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interlude [Number *1* Balanced]L2MMoRPG ServeR X3500


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Not bad guy, Are u g a y?maybe really yes, cause u speak like ugly baby. 

Go to window and open it, than look around outside and say, if u can see anything?

Your better way, go play beautiful childs chronicle's and stop flame Interlude Chronicle if u dont like it, just dont check!


Dafuq did i just read ? o.O

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sv sux hard :\ just joined ... high rate sv with adena drop 300 thouds per mob 20% chance :|


i didin't play to check balance etc but i was glad i found something to play then after staying in town aranjing skills to bar , buffing , etc go to farm zone .. sv economy sucks , is so booring no players in farm zones .. if you guys have any interlude hr new pm please .. (other then l2roe lol)

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sv sux hard :\ just joined ... high rate sv with adena drop 300 thouds per mob 20% chance :|


i didin't play to check balance etc but i was glad i found something to play then after staying in town aranjing skills to bar , buffing , etc go to farm zone .. sv economy sucks , is so booring no players in farm zones .. if you guys have any interlude hr new pm please .. (other then l2roe lol)


You got a server and you want to play on some other instead of trying to advertise your server since it has kinda low community and you dont even log to make an event or a reward or sth... rofl :P

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your online time was 10 min on my server and you talk about my server ?


dude in 50 hours of online time of my server there wore more then 10 reward and there wore something like 400 vote coins reward ;)


events ? first day 3 last man standing 2 raid boss event 1vs1 self buff and full buf

yesterday second day ? event day time : 1vs1 , rb

event night time : raid boss x3 magma drakes with drop of gold bars and vote coins , 1vs1 event 1 won = +15 vote medals in inv , first place 150 vote coins

dont talk about auto events from 1h in 1h mass pvp event , ctf ;)


and yea i'm a l2 player so ? im a dev so ? i'm finished informatic high school and i'm l2 addict this 2 things togheter what can create ? something like a l2 dev ?

i'm not like other admin having fun playing on their own server lol

i managed to create a l2 hr interlude server and first day was down bcs of rams fail but second day online with +98 players on mid of day 17:00 - 19:00 then some players had to go back to theyr normal life , let's see today how will be my server "low community" i think my server had a great start ;) i really wanna see u making something usefull then replying to posts from 3 in 3 min please !


peace !

sorry for all this spamming but this guy is really annoyng


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your online time was 10 min on my server and you talk about my server ?


dude in 50 hours of online time of my server there wore more then 10 reward and there wore something like 400 vote coins reward ;)


events ? first day 3 last man standing 2 raid boss event 1vs1 self buff and full buf

yesterday second day ? event day time : 1vs1 , rb

event night time : raid boss x3 magma drakes with drop of gold bars and vote coins , 1vs1 event 1 won = +15 vote medals in inv , first place 150 vote coins

dont talk about auto events from 1h in 1h mass pvp event , ctf ;)


and yea i'm a l2 player so ? im a dev so ? i'm finished informatic high school and i'm l2 addict this 2 things togheter what can create ? something like a l2 dev ?

i'm not like other admin having fun playing on their own server lol

i managed to create a l2 hr interlude server and first day was down bcs of rams fail but second day online with +98 players on mid of day 17:00 - 19:00 then some players had to go back to theyr normal life , let's see today how will be my server "low community" i think my server had a great start ;) i really wanna see u making something usefull then replying to posts from 3 in 3 min please !


peace !

sorry for all this spamming but this guy is really annoyng



wtf man, u flame my server and adversting ur own?who are u?next newbie who download open source pack and change config?

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ok u see that ur server dont goes well ..... u do the best advertise u can and still low population ....... maybe i dont know much about how to make servers but i know that u must change your server is obvious ......(its only a suggestion .... i am sorry if u see it like spamming )

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ok u see that ur server dont goes well ..... u do the best advertise u can and still low population ....... maybe i dont know much about how to make servers but i know that u must change your server is obvious ......(its only a suggestion .... i am sorry if u see it like spamming )

nah its just players...they never back on server whcih they leave, i just have to reopen it...

anyway i can say thanks to ppl who play all this time and help me make server more better!

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