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[GR][ Gia poio logo mou kanatai BAN ]


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kalispera se ola ta member tou MxC to kanoniko mou account einai Username: Geokoul1991

xwris na exw kani kati, xwris na kserw kan to logo ton, fusika eimai kai donator member..

me olo to sevasmo pou exw thelw na matho ton logo ton opoio mou kanane BAN

to mail mou einai koulelis11@hotmail.com

an ekana kati to opoio na prosvale i na pirakse sto site sas sti MxC na mou to pite gia na kserw se ti ftew kai mou kanate BAN....

giati egw den exw kani tipota kai psaxnw to dikaio, pws ginetai name tosa Xronia Donator member kai ksafnika na faw BAN apo to pouthena kai xwris logo fysika.. tha parakalousa me olo to sevasmo pou exw as riksei mia matia enas global-moderator sto thema mou ki an mporei fysika as to koitaksei ki o admin Maxtor.... ilikrina ean sas ekana kati to otidipotai na mou to pite na to gnorizw ki egw...

ki an sas pirakse kati pou ekana tote sas ofilo ena sygnomi...

me olo to sevasmo sas zito sygnomi an kai den gnorizw to logo ton opoio efaga ban

Username: Geokoul1991 e-mail: koulelis11@hotmail.com

sygnomi kai gia tin enwxlisei kalisas mera... kai pali Thanks!

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Δεν ξέρω τον λόγο για τον οποίο έφαγες ban τουλάχιστον δεν φαίνεται στο banlist, ούτε ποιος σε έκανε. Θα ρωτήσω τον λόγο και θα δούμε απλά περίμενε.

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Auto to minuma mou dixnei otan paw na kanw login me Username: Geokoul1991


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Sorry geokoul1991, you are banned from using this forum!

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