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hi, i have the patch, but i need help to change the rates inf the patch, they are all x1, i need to modify that, any help with this? don't know where to start really, im opening the files with l2file edit and comparing the originals for now =)




can you read before answer like that???? im need HELP to edit the RATES of the files that i ALREADY OWN

What hahah)

its like


i have carrot but no i have banana, if have banana i need to edit carrot.


your carrot is rates

and banana are files.

its unlogical man huh)))).


Rates are signed by the server side, and its only rate of how the equalent pixel numbers would be changed when you press on some Model that hase red or for exmple green length

and when it ends and it ends conluding by not - how many animation it whas playd - but unlogical fable mode from another numbers that are displayd (for Exmple SwordA  is this kind sort of thing that is displayd, but what dmg is making are writed in server side by Anybody who want to write it - those Uncreative uncreativts. and who press it get another numbers, and if those nombers are enough for exmple players lvl is changing from 1-3 huh,


so if you get it you are writing what numbers will be have another NUMBERS ehahe Bla bla bla.

but client side is something that you took and using with cooperation of server - its kind'a compiled and contain the thing that doesn't CHANGES IN LIVE(for exmple number of players(slave's.... very bad that is how it is,and need to change) lvl , from 1 to 20 you see this)

that is making server side not client, and it could use the number from client acctualy not number but the font so huh )


Your question is unlogic -cause you look in client where you only are taking something to use,

But to use it(How you want) you need server

huh get it ) huh ?


can you read spanish? maybe this link proves im asking for something that is possible



sadly, the user who made that is not active right now, so i ask here for that...

rates of the drop/spoil patch are always x1, in that link, the user made them x7 matching the server rates, i want to do that to


sorry for double post, i re-read again what you say Light, and it make not sense at all...spoil/drop patch is client side, unless the server put this on, but is different because you need to shift+click de mob to see drop/spoil/stats, what im asking has nothing to do with server, only the rates i want to edit to math the mod with the server


sorry for double post, i re-read again what you say Light, and it make not sense at all...spoil/drop patch is client side, unless the server put this on, but is different because you need to shift+click de mob to see drop/spoil/stats, what im asking has nothing to do with server, only the rates i want to edit to math the mod with the server

its acctualy server side menu, that is making by the server,

the thing is that you can take from client only name of the for exmple armors weapons, that drops from monster,

you can't take rates - 0.6%(for exmple for talum) or sealed neckles, CAUSE There is no such information in client files - NO % in dat files, that's all adding by the server side,

only thing is could be added is those name from itemnamegrp.dat ,

thats all.





its seems i whas right(i downloaded a patch with agro drop spoil not rates)

in NPCGRP of changed dat files

there is a string





this string takes monster for exmple

20067 LineageMonster.monster_eye LineageMonsters.monster_eye_m00 1 LineageMonstersTex.monster_eye_t00 0 20 "


and add to him the menu you saw



but the main thing that is need to be shown are taked by server side


that only path from dat files where is indicated(345|694|9345| and etc) to(server files)

345|694|9345 are XTML files i guess, that you see on photo.




im lost here, if the % are added server side, why the spoil/drop always show the same numbers if you play x1 x10 x30 x1000 server?

it show you % of rate that it would drope, the rate is changed on server side,

so it could be even 10 but if in reality if server rates changed to 1000 it would drop with 1000

but in XTML menu will show that is 10 huh ) get it ?


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