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R & C Something Like A LoGo For my Server :D

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Well , its simple but cool looking.


w/e you should change the font and try to add any L2 logo or character.


Thank you.(5Min Job)
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Yeah , its can be made very fast .

Just try to play with the font/colors .

I Will,im creating my own l2website template(psd Only) now. As it is my first i really like it.i Will Post it in mxc when i finish it too :D
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I don't understand why people take their time to say "oh it was only a 5 min job.."

If it was so ridiculously easy then why even post it then?

I'm not complaining, just wondering - you know?


It looks...... bad actually. I mean there isn't much to mess up, really. But the L2 font doesn't fit in the least. Don't you agree?

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I don't understand why people take their time to say "oh it was only a 5 min job.."

If it was so ridiculously easy then why even post it then?

I'm not complaining, just wondering - you know?


It looks...... bad actually. I mean there isn't much to mess up, really. But the L2 font doesn't fit in the least. Don't you agree?

Ofcourse.You are the proffesional,so you know better :P
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Ofcourse.You are the proffesional,so you know better :P


The gap between L and 2 (imo) is too big. And use a different font, something serif related maybe. Because the current font doesn't match with one you used for the server name at all. You see, things need to look like they fit together!

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Cant understand why some people when they know tht they are making craps they do not admit it and instead of this they are telling that their job is 5 min.


Stop saying that.Just face the truth.

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I don't understand why people take their time to say "oh it was only a 5 min job.."

I guess they* mention that its a '5 min job' to 'prove' that they can do something way better if they had been working on something for more than 5 min.



* referring to the gfxers that say their work is just ~5 min.

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2 different fonts with first grey color and second black.

Nothing special.

Try to make something special to say " wow ".

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too simple if you ask me...

Play with the styles and colors, add some lines and imagination.Check for some tutorials based on logos.

You also need some better fonts!

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