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Hello Everyone! I decided to create a guide for HTML Language without copying from other websites! It's whole mine work!



What is HTML ;


The HTML language is the 'main' language for websites! You can code well websites with this language. It's very easy and simple!



Some informations about HTML.


- HTML is using tags in coding. Tags like <head> , <body> , <html> , <br> , <i>.

- In order to make the tags to work, when you open this < you must close it > or it will never works.

- Also, tags must be in pairs. When you type <head> in start, in the end you must type </head> to work.



Let's see tag's meaning.



Describes the web page.



Is the visible page content.



It will be a paragraph.



It will be bolded words.



It will be italicized words.



It will be underlined words.



It will be in center of page.



It will be in left of page.



It will be in right of page.



How I can insert image in html page?


With this code:


<img src="Here goes the Url" alt="Here goes the Text"/>



How I can add links?


With this code:


<a href="Here goes the Url">Here goes the Text</a>



Some HTML Color ID.


#000000 - Black

#FF0000 - Red

#00FF00 - Green

#0000FF - Blue

#FFFF00 - Yellow

#FF00FF - Pink

#FFFFFF - White

#8A2BE2 - BlueViolet

#A52A2A - Brown

#00FFFF - Cyan

#FFD700 - Gold

#808080 - Gray

#00FF00 - Lime

#800000 - Maroon

#808000 - Olive

#FFA500 - Orange

#C0C0C0 - Silver

#008080 - Teal

#EE82EE - Violet



NoteI: There isn't any difference in saving version. (.html - .htm is the same).

NoteII: You can use programms like Notepad, Wordpad, Notepad ++ etc.

NoteIII: For practice open notepad and make your own html file and save it in .html version, and after open it with your browser (google chrome, firefox etc.) to see the result.


This guide is created by me 100% , nothing copied. I hope to help, and good practicing!

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This guide is good but for too begginers also theres more HTML Colors

Yes I know, I will update it but I posted the 'main' colors. Soon, I will make big update. Thanks!


PS: The previous guide about HTML will be deleted by Pauler.

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That's not actually a fully guide for HTML.

That's a part of HTML that l2j use..not even the 1/4 of html..


whatever,good job.

Yes, I have to agree with Fanky. There are way more basics to cover. Go modify your first html guide and add the color codes for example as an update.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

does it realy exist tags like <left> and <right> cuz i never heared of them ?


Yes, In HTML Language includes <Left></Left> or <Right></Right etc.. also <tittle></tittle> including ;).

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Yes, In HTML Language includes <Left></Left> or <Right></Right etc.. also <tittle></tittle> including ;).


can you show me a link or smth where <left> or <right> is ?


cause as far as I know, not even on HTML5 are this two tags ..

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the align code is align="left" or align="right". You can use it on paragraphs like on newspapers like <p align="right">the text here</p> or use it to align images on the tag that he mentioned on first post like <img src="image_link.jpg" align="right">

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the align code is align="left" or align="right". You can use it on paragraphs like on newspapers like <p align="right">the text here</p> or use it to align images on the tag that he mentioned on first post like <img src="image_link.jpg" align="right">

Yes there is not left or right tags. But there are other ways to put everything left or right like align="".
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