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Ignoring the randoms talking shit, this idea is just AWESOME...

I suppose u could make this more complex like adding an angel mode which works at the exact opposite style (increases stats the day - decrease at night or sth like that)...

Its a great idea...


People apparently already trying to rip the idea *cough Voqus*, use your brain for once and stop leeching idea's. Unless your just trolling me because I said we don't need your help.


People apparently already trying to rip the idea *cough Voqus*, use your brain for once and stop leeching idea's. Unless your just trolling me because I said we don't need your help.


Actually, i already sent you a pm about that:

Uhm i couldnt bare it, so i coded it myself as well hope u dont mind :/

I only have client modification to do, already made my custom icons and buff,item stats.

Plus, i didnt rip any code or anything, i coded it myself.

Afterall if u didnt want ur idea to be ripped then do not -beep-ing talk about it?


PS: why would i even join ur pro team that its trying to do such a `complicated` system in 2 days or so?



Didn't say you ripped code, the only reason you started coding it is because, I said we don't need you, so your trying to prove something, maybe? Yeah.


PS: why would i even join ur pro team that its trying to do such a `complicated` system in 2 days or so?


Then why did you ask to help if you didnt want apart of it, idiot?


Also who said its complicated? Our main dev pretty much coded the whole mod in less than 24 hours.


Anyways, It doesn't really matter that you might have tried to code it yourself, this was just an example and the idea is just rough draft, our code will of course be better than anything you will try, since you can't even think up something on your own in the first place obviously.


Also this is just a minor feature, plenty more major features that will be added that will blow this out of the park.


I'll be sure not to share anymore information/ideas, too many idiots on maxcheaters.


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