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[Share]L2J-Umbrella - Complete CT1.5 Pack[HELLBOUND]

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UMBRELLA a L2J CT1.5 AKA Hellbound Project Server Pack


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Apocalipce -- fernandogavlak@hotmail.com -- Datapack development

Vinis_JP -- vinis_ms@msn.com -- core and DP

HanWik -- kwisny@hotmail.com -- Java Core development

Sephiroth -- marcelo.saviorsephiroth@gmail.com -- Skills development

BoDiE2003 -- bodie2003@gmail.com -- Datapack development



L2J - Umbrella

║ SVN: Revision 370: /trunk

║ Timeline: Timeline - L2J-Umbrella - Trac

║ Forums: L2J Umbrella Project - Index















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Based on L2JFree (As always)...I will check Later.


*BTW : we appreciate all shares from external sites, but try to share something from your own sometimes*



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hehe, yeah, we have some bugs, EVERYTHING on a computer does, BUT, we don't have bugs that aren't in l2jfree, since we are based of l2jfree(I'm also an official team member there, but going inactive), and we DID fix bugs that are still in l2jfree ;)


so your statement of "they have some bugs.."

is totally useless ^^

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lol, it isn't hard to be better than oneo or emu :P

and since I'm getting ALOT of positive reactions, I think most people already think we're better :P

but then again, I'm not doing it to be "good" xD

I started for myself, when I noticed people were interested in my work, I share it, now I only do it for other people anymore, since atm I'm not running a live server anymore myself...


oh, and, alot of people ask me if we don't ever stop, well, no, sephiroth and I will continue our work together, that's how it started, just us 3 (me, sephiroth, apocalipce) sharing our stuff on 1 (private) svn, see what the others did, help improve eachother ^^

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