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Better Image ?  

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  1. 1. Better Image ?

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I should learn english? Watch your mouth sonny-boy, my english is by far better than what yours will be even in years. I said, we do not need things that are created for 2 minutes aka for fun. We need something better to comment on and teach others how to do stuffs, i got far more experience in Photoshop than you'll get any time soon, and i got that from T.U.T.O.R.I.A.L.S, unlike you i've read tons of them and practiced, not just putting random fag effects on everything that i do. Do not post senseless things, think before you speak out.

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I should learn english? Watch your mouth sonny-boy, my english is by far better than what yours will be even in years. I said, we do not need things that are created for 2 minutes aka for fun. We need something better to comment on and teach others how to do stuffs, i got far more experience in Photoshop than you'll get any time soon, and i got that from T.U.T.O.R.I.A.L.S, unlike you i've read tons of them and practiced, not just putting random fag effects on everything that i do. Do not post senseless things, think before you speak out.


tragic....try again



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just learn english or go on your doctor you have problem with your eyes ,  go wash some dish. you think you are better from me ? lol  go fed your fish and pls dont spam again on my topic's. next time i report you.


leave my fish alone


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just learn english or go on your doctor you have problem with your eyes ,  go wash some dish. you think you are better from me ? lol  go fed your fish and pls dont spam again on my topic's. next time i report you.


I take that as challange, go on report me, lots of people tried to do that, most of them ended up banned. And you're just being rasistic, but i'll explain that to you once you try to report me.

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