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[GIVE AWAY] Free sigs just request


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I want to train my photoshop skills , so you can request any sig you want just give me what you want in a form like this


Render: potato

Text : Me gusta

Subtext : i see what you did there

also if you want say in what colour i should focus , what to avoid .

feel free to request anything


Busy At the moment : No more request till i finish this 5 *


Romeo signature : 2el8uix.jpg



DR3m0 signature : bydc5.jpg ( not that good sorry )


WhoCaresMyName Signature : deadm0.jpg

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Theme: http://www.kitware.com/InfovisWiki/images/d/db/Titan.jpg

Text: Raule

Subtext: Titan Paleolitic

Size: you choose


i will give you + 1 reputation if the sig will be awesome.


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