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Lineage II CENTRUM (Faith 15x) Server!







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http://www.l2centrum.com/forum/ - Community Forum

http://www.facebook.com/l2centrumcom - Facebook Page

http://twitter.com/#!/lineage2centrum - Twitter Page



Nice Community (Spanish, Germans, Romanians and many more...)

PvP(vE) with good players, Clan Sieges, Castle Sieges, Raids, Instances, etc.

No lag, stable server.

Weekly Newsletters for all players

No Custom Items and no overpower players.

Full Geodata

Olympiad (2 Weeks/Retail-like)

Spawn Protection

Buff schemes

Many Events every day (TvT Event, Custom Instance Event, RaidBoss Event, Race Track Event, Hide and Seek Event, Find and Kill Event)

Race Track Event

99.9% Uptime.



XP: x15

SP: x15

Party XP/SP: x2

ADENA: x20

Drop: x15


Max Enchant Rate: +20

Safe Enchant Rate: +3

Normal Enchant Chance: 66%

Blessed Enchant Chance: 80%

EnchantChanceElementStone: 50%


AltSubClassWithoutQuests = True

AltSubclassEverywhere = True

AltTransformationWithoutQuest = False

MaxSubclass = 3

BaseSubclassLevel = 40

MaxSubclassLevel = 80

Noblesse can be obtained without quests!

EnchantSkillSpBookNeeded = True

AlternateClassMaster = True (Modern and Classic ClassMaster)

DivineInspirationSpBookNeeded = True

DeathPenaltyChance = 20

AltWeightLimit = 3

Delevel = True

AltSubclassEverywhere = True

AltSubClassWithoutQuests = True

AltTransformationWithoutQuest = False

EnableVitality = True

MaxSubclass = 3

MaxSubclassLevel = 80


CraftingEnabled = True

CraftMasterwork = True

AltGameCreation = True (Players get EXP/SP for crafting.)

Store/Restore Dwarven Manufacture list


Buff Slots: 24 (3 hours)

12 Dances/Songs slots (3 hours)

Limited NPC Buffer (no specials)

Limited NPC Shops


Protection from agressive mobs after teleport

Learn skills (Forgotten skills)

Dimension Rift working

Champion mobs enabled from lvl 20 to 80

Handy Block Checker Event is retail like

GLOBAL Shout and GLOBAL Trade Chats


Full Geodata





HellboundStatus = True

All Hellbound Status Voice Command:


This option will enable using of the voice commands .hellbound for retrieving information about current Hellbound level and trust.


Source features:


- ConsecutiveKillCount Announcements;

- Announcements for Heroes (on login);

- Announcements for Castle Lords (on login);

- No private shops near other characters/NPC's;

- Giran Town (Store Zones fixed) added;

- Aden Town (Store Zones fixed) added;

- Shout, trade and hero voice restriction until level 20;




http://www.l2centrum.com/ - Website homepage

http://www.l2centrum.com/acm/ - Account Manager

http://www.l2centrum.com/forum/ - Community Forum

http://www.facebook.com/l2centrumcom - Facebook Page

http://twitter.com/#!/lineage2centrum - Twitter Page





(TvT Event, Custom Instance Event, RaidBoss Event, Race Track Event, Hide and Seek Event, Find and Kill Event)


High rate with lol retail events and gm events xD

  • 2 months later...

Website was updated on 12.05.2012.

Server re-opened on 11.05.2012.

Thank you everyone for joining L2C.


== http://www.L2Centrum.com ==



These events seem to be retail?

TvT Event, Custom Instance Event, RaidBoss Event, Race Track Event, Hide and Seek Event, Find and Kill Event


At 15x you think is a high-rate server? :P




  • 2 weeks later...

This guy sucks in everything what l2 means, i dont know why hes still trolling with this retard server/website/client/features/crap advertising (i think hes just a 13-14 years teenager)

I tryed to help him once and he ignored all my ideas then he blocked me cuz he got bored of my ideas *my ideas could bring his server to top while it was a freya* ,anyway gl


LoL kids.

@SunBeam thanks for nothing. We don't need your help. Sorry but I do not think if anyone on this forum would like to work with you. :)


@merfis202 This is the correct web address :)



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