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classic Hight Rate PvP - Spend Your Time With FUN


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I'm sorry but i'll try to explain how Slab works.


This guy wont listen you if you have any problem, he's really a -leeching- (sorry for the word) because when you try to help him he'll ignore you always.


He said always something like: leave and shut up if you dont like, i do this for free, and much more.


He dont know how to balance the server, because if he saw a overpowered class (like my dark archer) he just nerf it a lot, and make it useless class against all.


If you play here you'll be a little good only with tyrant or archer.


The server was off for no reason, this server has nothing as special thing, only zerg pvps, people cant farm here if you're not in a good clan, bugged weapons like this:




As you can see, I'm Tebi, and i'm the one who made the promotion video and some other videos that I wont delete it, I wish the best for your server, but you must respect your players, listen them, and everyone must know how do you work with your users.


You know that I helped you a lot, or at least I tried it, but there are more things that I wont say them there, like GM chars.


As I said, i wish you the best after the wipe (if you'll do it).


Oh, and you banned me from forums without reason, only cuz I said: "i'll do my own server soon" when everyone was posting servers, at least I didnt said the name.


And last thing, an example of that you dont listen your players, someone said you lie in the features, because there arent L2Walker protection in this server, and as I can see you still saying things that are not correct.


P.S: The good and only good thing of the server is the machine and ppl online, there are no lags and 200 online (only 50 actives, the rest are bots or afks to get vote rewards)


Best regards.

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