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interlude L2 Criminal ~INTERLUDE PVP~


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Hi guys we opened l2 criminal back. Old players know thats a awesome server. Now giving u features


Client: C6 (Interlude)

Type: Custom PvP server

Rates: High rates

Starting Level: 79


Experience: x1000


Skill Points: x1000


Rate Party Experience: x2


Rate Party Spell Point: x2


Drop Rate: x1


Spoil: x1


Adena: x1000




Safe Enchant: 4


Max Enchant: 20


Enchant Rate Weapon: %85


Enchant Rate Armor: %85


Enchant Rate Jew: %85


Blessed Enchant Rate: %100



Our custom buff slot will be for both mage and fighters 26 and 6 debuff slots.




No Noblesse Quest, you can be noblesse only buy a noblesse item from custom shop.


http://www.l2criminal.com/  This s 2. game of server we need players for fun.


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