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interlude Lineage II Project L2DC 50x (epilogue client, no name yet) Custom Mid


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50x XP/SP

2x Spoil


Enchant Rates:

Safe: 5

Max: 12 for armors/jewels and 25 for weapons

Chances 65% for normal scrolls and 65% for blessed scrolls

Custom Npcs:

The Lineage shops are all customised to outfit with the server economy

All gatekeepers are customised to outfit with the server for leveling,farming and teleporting

Top PVP/PK implemented in Gatekeepers

Event Manager

Shop Manager

Newbie Buffer

Town Buffer

Coliseum Buffer


Detailed Overview:

Newbie Buffer: From LV 1 to LV 39 spawned in all villages

Town Buffer: From LV 40 to LV 79 spawned in all towns

Coliseum Buffer: From LV 79 to LV 85 spawned in Coliseum only

Custom currency system: Fire Mantra, Wind Mantra, Water Mantra as main economy

Attributes: Max Level 4

Custom Enchant Glows

Dwarf classes have Frenzy/Guts/Rage implemented for pvp & farming (Dwarfs can farm better) (new)

Festival Sweep (from interlude) will be implemented to Fortune Seeker (for even faster farming and 4sepulchers) (new)

You can use cloak on every armor possible even naked

No Giant Mastery Codexes (new)

Chance augments have much better landrate than 99% of servers (new)


Custom Olympiad:

Max is A grade

Max 16 enchant for weapon and 10 for armor/jewels

Heroes Period: 2 Weeks

Anti Feed (IP)


Raid Bosses:

Epic Bosses Respawn is retail like

Raid bosses from entire map of lineage have custom drops for special items


Farming: (new)

Miniraid bosses implemented in 5 zones, which gives 10x drop than 1 normal moob and they can be hardly solo (new)

Zones for Solo Farming: Monastery of Silence, Primeval Island, more soon (new)

4Sepulchers which drops fire/wind/water mantras (best zone for farming and leveling in party) (new)


Planning Features:

Events: Team vs Team vs Team, Deathmatch, Last Man Standing (each kill = special items for buying everything at event manager) also top players gets some bonus enchant scrolls and much more

Rebirth System ,not sure about this one!

Tatoos with 5% stats except absolute that gives 10% hp and resolve that gives 15 speed

Some custom quests (new)

Npc that shows when raidbosses are online or offline ,not sure about this one!



(These are not the all features ,there are much more ,but atm il post this)


Note: Buffers have balanced buffs (no gift of queen,blessing of queen,gift of seraphim,blessing of seraphim,improved buffs ,cov will be 20 min to town buffers and 60 min to coliseum and fortress buffers)


Note: These are not all features! ,i will add more soon enough



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I agree with IamYourDeath also your website rox.

P.S. I think that your website looks like l2dreams site,maybe you are l2dreams? xD

read better what he says...he just c/p the link of L2Dreams to say that the features are similar...
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If i'm lucky ,i'l open it in 4-5 months ,if i'm out of luck ,i have no choice than opening it in 10 months


The reason i post the features so early is to convince some players to remain on lineage 2 and not leave yet  :) ,sorry if you have to wait so much but is better than never right?

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If i'm lucky ,i'l open it in 4-5 months ,if i'm out of luck ,i have no choice than opening it in 10 months

oh shit -.-

4-5 months with luck?why?do u play every day Joker to get money and u think it will take 4-5 months with luck?

so u will miss vacations also right?this is not good,most of ppl who play L2 are young ppl about 15-10 yo and they have a break from schools,university and they play L2 much more than be4...at least open in on June,July...i cant understand that big delay!

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I'l give you the reasons:

• I need to make 18 years old in order to use banks ,you know? in 10 months il make 18 and i can prepare the live date ,by saying that with "luck" il open in 4-5 months is that some of my friends will take care of banking for me which is 50% chance

• I did and i do this project alone ,so i dont think someone will help me with anything ,i must do everything alone including hosting and donations, it's not that easy, you have another point of view as a "gamer" only and you think everything can be made instantly xD ,this is reality ,some people may afford some may not so have some patiencE


Hope i helped ^_^

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hmmm after ur post i am a lil bit afraid cuz as fas as i understood,u never again did a server and this one is ur 1st...also u are too young and i am afraid of curruptions and last when u say that u have to do everything on ur own including hosting,i hope u dont mean "home-hosted"!

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hmmm after ur post i am a lil bit afraid cuz as fas as i understood,u never again did a server and this one is ur 1st...also u are too young and i am afraid of curruptions and last when u say that u have to do everything on ur own including hosting,i hope u dont mean "home-hosted"!


Sorry if you think that ,but for me "corruption" in dictionary doesn't exist and im not young, im putting huge efforts for making this server ,i could not ruin it with corruption, don't judge a book by his cover and about hosting ,im not that dumb as you think ,in first case ,if i were that dumb i would not even think about making a server ,especially alone,i have like 11 years in PC and i always liked to develop things and about the features ,i already have done 60% ,im playing l2 for 4 years and i logged in over 1000+ servers wich around 30% were only noob gms with lack of structure and immagination and very vulgare with players, and other gms just making random servers


I dont feel shame for saying that im 17 ,im not 10 or 12 or 14 or 15 ,Dont judge me for such a little thing ,thank you! (and yes im not that good in english i know ^_^)


And about the first time i make a server yes ,but come to think off,why these guys that are making over 5-6 servers and with "Very good developers" and team and blabla close in few weeks or 2 months like ,not because money but because they are making servers just for donations and some random features that every server haves ,just fixing some random bugs and thats it


PS: Features got updated

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kinda agree about the "pr0" devs which their servers close after a couple of weeks...also u dont have to be ashamed to be 17,and i never said this,i wanted to say that is harder for a 17-18 yo person to have money to host a server,buy DDOS protections and develop...but if u think u can do i am with you! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

What style would you like to adapt for npcs?


Go here and post :D


I'l continue the work after i get a concrete answer (ps ,after il done with all npcs server will be like 60% ,i will post soon some pictures and etc)

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i told you ,either in 3-4 months from now on or with bad luck in february 2013 :D


Anyway im not hurrying ,it will take like 3 months or 2 from now on to finish 100% ,hard work ,takes more time when you work alone 2-3 hours per day max only :D


In case i will fail like  hell ,i mean ,no opening at all ,il just sell the server to someone i will trust and he will open it for me (thats like 25% chance in case i wont be able to get a good hosting in 2013) ,in any case the server will still open in future ,no matter. ,there is ddos problem also, there is no guarantee that the server will be ddosed ,Companies Anti-ddos or sh1t like that protect servers for 300-400 euro/month ,which is half of the salary of my mom lol!


Many fail options but many opportunities ,we will see in future what im going to do ,have a good day  :)

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