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a very balanced back and very complete with only 25 Euro this pack contains next features :

- TvT event "this was already implemented in pack"

- Catch the flag

- Death Match

- Capture the base

- Town War

- Raid Boss event "everybody who hit the rb who is spawned at a random location will earn a somting what u set as drop"

- Frog race "who has been already implemented"

- Elpy chests "who has been already implemented"

- Wabbits Invasion

- Poker Event

- Effect enchantable armor "as a glow at a number of enchant for exemple +7 entire armor u will earn the vitallity effect on u, u can set what effect u want at what numbers of enchant u desire"

- Special system of enchant with decress number of enchant "for exemple if u have weapon +10 and u fail ur weapon become -9 or -8, depends how much u set to decrase at fail (this system works for normal scroll and blessed scroll)"

- Debugged visual armor problem

- Mass Disconects fixed "we notice that l2j has problems at unclosed conections and server send a flood to all players whos online and they get disconect , this thing has been fixed"

- Captcha sistem anti bot

- Sistem security card at login against oog programs like l2net and some other programs "these 2 programs reduces the number of bots about 80%, this is not 100% safe but we asure u that u will get rid of many bots"

- NPC : normal gmshop , gmshop based on upgrade system, buffer scheme "fixed no more unclosed conections", gatekeeper who cover about 80% from lineage2 map

- Enchant skills : can be setted how much u want so u can earn a better balance for ur pvps

- PVP/PK sistem color nickname and tittle "at a number of pvps ur nickname color will change, same thing for pks"

- Anti dual box

- Anti feed pvp/pk sistem

- Vote reward system implemented "works for topzone,hopzone,hopzones

- Counter PVP at a number of 3 pvps in a row server will make an announce that u are killing spree and u will get a reward, depends what gm/admin set"

- Castle Lord Annoucements

- Maximum subclass level

- System for Premium Accounts Implemented
















(this only in case if u are farming and it happens that ur captcha tab disappear)


As i said..all these only at 25 euro, for more detalies u can contact me at this mail adress, lostprophet2689@yahoo.com


l2epicwarriors.org is the name of server and private i follow all ur posts...for u nobody is "not trusted" dont judge if u dont know...@geospun l2j=l2java for more detalies contact me, i`ll explain u how to install server what u need and if u have enough time i`l help u configure.


P.S: for judgers, EAT PORK :P

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