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Wts Char/items on l2 Cleaver

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Wts all together cheap. I left server so i want to sell everything i have for now


Chars if need : Soultaker 80 / Sph / Archer / Dagger 78+ nobless

Sph / Dagger / 80+ Nobless


Items : Dc set 2x 4+ /

Draco set 5/3/3/3

Tateo set - 3/4/5/4 and A ring 8+

IC Shield

Angel Slayer Crit. Damage 3+

AM acumen

Soes Bless the body (from donation only staff is like 20+ euros)

DC shield

Striders 2x

200kk adena

Many A items like Dragon Slayer/Meteor Shower/A Armors/ EAS / EAA / And Bogs for enchanting skills


Leave msg here or pm. Only serious ppl who want to buy.

Weapons are augumented but i can show screenshots of it. I Wont do trade with anyone who want me to give first items. I am not playing for like one month this server because i am busy in real life. So This is really cheap for all.



Up with last price 50 euros for all

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