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interlude [L2J] L2Vampire CUSTOM INTERLUDE PVP !


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too many customs for me...are they balanced?also enchants are really high,can some1 tell me if server is balanced?


Not the least little bit. Very rarely have I seen a server so unbalanced before. 0 effort was put into and admin obviously has no clue how to balance classes and stats. I don't see how it's logical when I have 9500 P. Def and take 6500 damage, but give 2k max with 40k P Atk. It just doesn't work. Not only are those stats screwed up, this is a ARCHER SERVER. One of the 3 playable classes here (archer, necro, paladin. That's about it.)


Highly NOT recommended, even if you like customs with big stupid stats like I do. I would much rather prefer a server off the L2JBrazil sites because at least those are somewhat entertaining unlike this one.

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