Development Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Server Opening ETA: March, 25th Hello MaxCheaters, i know that someone else made a topic here already, but that's old information on the other topic. I represent the Staff and got the rights on posting true information here. I've wanted to inform you on the new update and upcoming server features of L2Delux. We'll take our time and put high efforts in what we'll do. Here's a short list of the unique features we'll bring to the Interlude base of players. I'd like to hear your comments and questions about what we're preparing. A link to the forums: 1. Anti bot protection - This will prevent bots from logging ingame. We'll use CAPTCH style for protection. 2. Donate coins, can be given trought web (no need to log IG to manage donations) and after that the player can buys his stuff from a NPC specially designed for Donations. It has 2 types of donation coins. - Enchant Coin,Donate Coin. You can buy items with the Donate Coin and then enchant them with the Enchant Coin. - The Enchant Coin will be tradable, so this will raise the economy of the server, it will be valuable and a good item to have. 3. Custom PvP rewards/colors/titles. 4. Custom karma system (based on zones-eg. if you kill a newbie in a non-PK zone, player gets automatically killed and the victim gets revived with all his buffs restored.) This system will protect out new players from being harmed by older evil players. 5. L2HopZone voting script. Will reward players that voted for the server. 6. Custom gatekeeper, unique GMShop, AiO NPC (Augment, warehouse, subclass, clan, alliance and more), Buffer with protections (flag/pk/rapid etc.) 7. More detailed GameServer console. Which will include informations about PvPs and player's information. 8. PvP trader - You can get recommendations, adena, and other items exchanged by your PvP points and vice-versa (you can get PvP's for recs, adena, and other stuffs etc.) 9. Top 50 PvP/PK IG script Top features: - Jail PvP System - You can go to jail for 10 minutes and PvP with the other players. Maybe now you're asking yourself: why would anyone go to jail to PvP and not in the farm zones? Well, I thought of that too. When you get to jail you get all your enchants to maximum , you get a 30% boost of all your stats and choose a class to fight with and ofcourse - all the custom items you allow players to get. Once this 10 minute "trip" is over, all the items are destroyed, stats are recovered, buffs are removed and enchants are back to the original values. The idea is mainly from L2Awaken-skillZ by NB4L1 and a little bit modified by us. Its 100% EXPLOITLESS. That mean it can't be bugged or exploited. - Dungeon system - (This is an EVENT! it will take held probably 2 times a week(mostly weekends) if there's interess to the feature, we'll extend it's helding time!!) We called it Dungeon system and it plays the following role: - You got 2 teams: Blue and Yellow. You spawn in different locations and fight each other. Much like TvT, huh? But here's the interesting stuff - You fight for a boss. In the center of the battlefield is a spawned boss with high stats (valakas-like) which needs a big team to be killed. The two teams fight for it, but the battle never ends since every dead player is respawned at the beginning. The way thru the boss is pretty much easy, takes around a minute or two to get there. This system also has a class-balancer for the teams, so there won't be 5 bishops and 5 DD's in 1 team (which will rule the dungeon). Every team needs 1 Bishop, 4 DD's, 4 mages and optionally 1 tank to experience the best of the battle. There's also an option to make a 20% boost speed if the zone is too big and hard to go to the center. By default its a catacomb, since its the most appropriate zone I could think of. Limit of the players in the dungeon is configurable, all the team players are automatically added in a party. - Newbie system: Every new player is guided with directions how-to-start. When the player enters the world for the first time, he gets a pop-up HTML message which includes class change (when level reached), weapon and armor pack for his class (for configurable price of adena/custom item) and once he is all armored, weaponized and leveled he gets teleported to the main town to start playing. I'll add screenshots later, this is an unique feature ! Regards, Anette A link to the forums:
L2WorldWar4 Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Here's a short list of the unique features we'll bring to the Interlude base of players. I'd like to hear your comments and questions about what we're preparing. I don't see anything unique in what you posted and the captcha was solved a longtime ago by some russian fellas. I would opt for another form of anti-bot.
Development Posted March 13, 2012 Author Posted March 13, 2012 I don't see anything unique in what you posted and the captcha was solved a longtime ago by some russian fellas. I would opt for another form of anti-bot. We'll take your suggestion into consideration, we find our server to be quite interesting, and by the player base opinions they seem to like that. Thanks for your comment.
White-eagle Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 Hmm it's seems quite nice I will give it a try :D
Development Posted March 15, 2012 Author Posted March 15, 2012 The Newbie System is already coded, i'll later take some screenshots and introduce it to you. Also the website design is done aswell. Stay tuned for more information today.
Development Posted March 15, 2012 Author Posted March 15, 2012 Hello, so i've decided to give you some information on our progress. We're already done with the main systems. This include the following: - Newbie System - Events - Jail PvP System - Dungeon System - Server configurations I'll post images soon of the above systems. We're working on the rest "hidden features". I'll start revealing them one by one, once we have pictures of them, so you can get more familiar with them. Regards, L2Delux Administrative staff.
Sirocco Posted March 18, 2012 Posted March 18, 2012 For more information about the server's progress you must register on our forum. Server is going to open in about 1 week +/-. Server's Site is in re-construction.
Development Posted March 18, 2012 Author Posted March 18, 2012 I'll make the server features today, the complete list so we can start advertise.
Development Posted March 19, 2012 Author Posted March 19, 2012 Hello L2Delux, after long work and discussions on features, we're ready to present you most of them, even if they're not final, they can be changed, but those are the base, the only things that can be changed are numbers, not the basic systems. Hopefully we'll make a good place for you to stay at. Rates : Experience: The values aren't important. On entering the world you'll view our newest system, the Newbie System, by few clicks you'll be level up, geared up, teleported to main town, and granted with some adena, as easy as that. Just few clicks and you'll be ready to start farming or PvPing. Enchant: Weapons and Armor enchants maximum is set to 15, equality into weapons and armors is the best way for us to balance the stats and gameplay. Enchant rates are set to minimum. The original value is 33% of success. You'll all freak out and ask WHY?! Well, i'll simply explain. Read below. We did the enchantments low, because this is a way to keep the economy stable, and the items that's enchanted more than +4 will be considered VALUABLE and rare, this way our economy will stay high during most of server's online time. The enchantment may be low, yeah, but that's why we have our Enchant Coin(?). The Enchant coin can be obtained by few raid bosses in the server. The coin can be used into our NPC Enchanter, it gives 100% success to the next enchant, just click on the item you want to enchant and it will instantly enchant itself with +1, on the rate of 100%. Features: - Custom Server currencys Dungeon system event PVP Jail system Newbie system. PvP trader Custom Karma system Read more about the above custom features - Here Flawless Geodata Player spawn protection - Delux Upgrades. The upgrades are made in order to balance the server. You'll be able to buy ugrades from a custom NPC, they will be applied to your Character. Here are the current Upgrades you can purchase: +4% Dagger resistance. +4% Archer resistance. +4% Dark resistance. +4% Water resistance. +4% Wind resistance. +4% Fire resistance. More will be added later, those are for now. Prices are undecided yet, but the Upgrades WILL NOT BE Cheap. - New Armor Stats We've reworked the stats of Apella's armors and renamed them. Basically they're now with 5% stronger then current S Grade armor sets. Their stats have been tested and balanced strictly. Tank Armor / Light Armor / Robe Armor - You would ask why custom armors? Here's our answer: We're made those armors in order to give people something to farm for, you know after X a-beep-t of time everyone's get bored of the server, but what if you have something to work and farm for? Something stronger and unique, nothing more powerfull then the rest of the armors, but still to be a bit stronger. Also the new armors will be enchantable only with Raid Boss Enchant scrolls, meaning their enchantments will be hard to recieve, and if you manage to make +6 Armor it will be considered UBER RARE. This is another way to keep our economy stable and high. Having low enchant rates will make PvP balanced and interesting. Pvp/Pk Features: - Achievment systems The system is made in a way to lead you trought the server. While you PvP you'll unlock new extra things. The list is not full, but we've got basic achievments done. Achievments will be unlockable by a-beep-t of PvPs. Here's the lits of already done achievments. - 10 PvPs: Noblesse status. - 50 PvPs: Extra subclass spot. - 100 PvPs: 5 Enchants hearts. - 200 PvPs: Unlock Delux Upgrade for Armor. - 300 PvPs: Undecided. - 400 PvPs: Undecided. - 500 PvPs: Undecided. - Weapon Bonus system. The system is based on the Augmentation system, but it's nothing close to it. Based on PvPs again, you'll recieve random weapon bonuses. You can have up to 3 bonuses. You'll recieve bonus on 100 PvPs, 250 PvPs, and 400 PvPs. The bonuses will be random and will be attached to the weapon, even if it's traded. You'll be able to remove the bonuses if you complete a short quest and paying small a-beep-t of our custom currency. Here's an example how your weapon can look. Arcana Mace with 3 bonuses. +1% M.atk +2% Walk speed +1% CP A-beep-t In this case you've recieved 3 good random bonuses. There is cases that you can get useless bonuses, but to remove that useless bonus, you'll have to remove all other bonuses and start over. Olympiad : The Olympiad games haven't been yet decided, we'll try out best to protect Olympiad matches and add something unique to it. (About to Update this subject) Events : Auto Events will be hosted every few hours. Team Vs Team - The normal Team vs Team event. - Rewards : 1 Event Box Death Match - The winner is the player with maximium kills. - Reward : 2 Festival Adena's More events will be added later. (Read about or Dungeon System) Vote reward : TopZone : 1 Event Box HopZone : 1 Event Box Voice Commands : .jailpvp .jailinfo .jailleave Zones : Main town: Undecided, yet. Safe Farming Zone: Undecided, yet. PvP/Pk/Farming Zone: Undecided, yet. Raid Boss Zone: Undecided, yet. Custom Npc : We've got large a-beep-t of custom NPCs, you'll get to know them once we open the server. They're stylish and interesting, also they're easy to navigate trough. P.S.: The topic is subject of change. Best regards, L2Delux Administrative team.
Development Posted March 19, 2012 Author Posted March 19, 2012 Interesting... That's what we're trying to achieve, something interesting and something that will last longer than 1 week. The sad thing is that we're already threatened by DDOSers and stuffs like that, but we're strong, let's hope we are. Lol :)
Sirocco Posted March 20, 2012 Posted March 20, 2012 Server Opening ETA: March, 25th 100 People registered on the forum till now.
Sirocco Posted March 22, 2012 Posted March 22, 2012 For news and informations about server's progress you should visit our forum:
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