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Wow Glider can also be found HERE! Upped by gropacas


Complete WoW Bot Walktrought Glider Installation + howto.


1. Introduction

1.1 What is wow glider

1.2 Why should i use wow glider

1.3 For and Against of using it

1.4 Risk Encountred and blizzard opinion on it

1.5 Explanation Of Technical Words

1.6 why should i pay 25$ for glider


2. Link and instalation

2.1 Precaution Before installing

2.2 Configurations

2.3 Last Config

2.4 All links


3. In Game related Information

3.1 Setting your key in your bar Correcly

3.2 Bar example

3.3 Starting Glider


4. Making your own and checking profiles

4.1 Downloading!

4.2 Exctract and then open pmap!

4.3 Pmap Options!

4.4 Playing with the options

4.5 Loading a profile


5. Using Addons in addition of Glider

5.1 Addons name!


6. An example of Keys.xml


7. Contact information

7.1 Email

7.2 Msn

7.3 AIM



1. Ok first of all you are probably a new user if you are looking at this guide. I will try to explain most of the advantage and disavantage of using wowglider.

If you need any furtur information i would suggest to look direcly on wowglider's forum located at Glider has moved!.


1.1) I first though i would not have to explain what it is but anyway here it is. Wow glider is a "third party program*" that will play WorldofWarcraft for you when you are not at your keyboard.

Wow glider has been designed to reproduce a "Human-Like*" farming* plan, wich mean it will sometime jump, run around "waypoint*" and will NEVER make some bot like movement, well the chance it do it are reduced.


1.2) I always supported bot because they let you play and still have a social life*. We all know this "WoW*" is a no life* game people from around the word over play it, wich mean they play so many hours that they don't even

bother going outside or dating girls* or boys (Yeah girls are playing wow). You should buy glider if, you want to play wow and be able to have a life at the same time, you want ot get rich faster, you simply (like me) hate blizzard.

If you choose to use it be aware that blizzard policies against third party program are severe.


1.3) For And Against of using Wowglider or any third party bot.

1.3.1) Points Against You can get banned. You wont play and enjoy you char 100%. If you never had a 60 before i would not suggest to bot right away, you will not know how it is to play. If you are planning to raid and instances, you wont be attuned at 60 and will have to play. If the account you are using for gliding is not yours and you are a bit paranoid ... DO NOT USE IT!


1.3.2) Points For Wow glider is a human-like designed bot chance getting caught are reduced. wow glider have a big fun and helpful community so you don't have to search for hours to get your questions answered. A LOT of profiles are available for your bot noth aving to use common farming place (wich you should avoid). Wow glider is easy to use and you don't need a lot of memory to run it.


1.4) Risk encountred

1.4.1) Ban simply and horrible PERM ban ... yes you can get banned using any third party tool.

1.4.2) Suspention, 3Months, 3weeks, 3Days, are the possible "punishment" you could receive for using glider.

1.4.3) A simple warn, never heard they did this ... they usualy suspend or ban your account

1.4.4) All account Penalty can be found here World of Warcraft Community Site -> Support

1.4.5) Third party and exploit policies can be found here World of Warcraft Community Site -> Support


1.5) Technical Words

1.5.1) Dificult word for a newbie (no offense) Wowglider, wow glider is a third party program that you can download the demo for it @t Http://wowglider.com Third Party Program, a third party program is any program that modify amplify or use the "world of warcraft" memory without blizzard authorisation. Human-Like, wich mean it act like a human .. should not look like something automated or anything. Wow, when i say Wow i mean WorldOfWarcraft wich is its diminutive word. Farming, farming come from the word Farm wich mean you kill mobs over and over for hours and hours to get some item, if i say i am farming tutle meat it mean i amd killing turtle for hours and hours while i am looting those meat. Alt, alternate character .. not your Main character wich mean you are not always playing on it (manualy) but only with the bot or some hours per weeks or days if your addict :P Waypoints, Ok heres an important word, waypoints are used to show the bot where to go from one point to another without stopping to it. You will see later how to do your own waypoints list. Life, joking on this you know what is a life .. well a no life is someone who DO NOT have a life .. got it ? Girls, Female Human .. not in wow of course but outside. Blizzard, the company who developped world of warcraft .. and they suck (Official website: Blizzard.com) Chinese Farmer, people who come from asi and that live from farming items and gold in world of warcraft and selling it to rich people over the internet (wich is illegal but ...) Levelup, to gain level. USD, United States Dollars Warden, the anti-cheat program that blizzard use.


1.6) Why you should pay

1.6.1) Because youll get your OWN personal key

1.6.2) Because to do so provide you a lot of support

1.6.3) Because i will show you some math i made for ya (these are example) Let say you buy a glider liscense 25$ (wowglider.com) plus a wow cd key with a free month 24.99 (offgamers.com awesome service)




=49.99$ so it cost you 49.99$ to get a bot and a free month, let say you levelup your char up to 60 in 23days played time (you played 24/7) you will have still 7 days free on your account, heres the deal you can either Sell your account for 100$

on offgamers.com OR keep it and famr then sell gold to any gold website. Lets say you sold your first char. Glider license .. free you already have one Account sold 100$ so




=50.01$ you just made 50$ over one month for free ... yes itso nly 50$ but with this you can buy (2) wow account + you could buy another glider key and run 2 accounts then keep one for farming OR always sell them and make money!.


2.0 Link and installation

2.1) Before installing you have to keep in mind that Warden can scan almost anything on your computer so NEVER open anything related to glider when your wow is running, this is to lower the chance youll get caught. now create a faolder where you will

exctract the launchpad.exe, do not create something on your Desktop like GLIDER BOT INSIDE or something heres an exemple of what it should be! (ex: C:\Documents and Settings\AUTH\Bureau\Freakout\Econe\Promo\Herewego ) deeper is your program harder it is to see.

You will also need to install Framework 2 wich can be downloaded at wowglider.com too.

2.1.2) Once you downloaded Launchpad.exe @t wowGlider.com put it in your folder, let say in "herewego" folder wich is what i did. [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/001.jpg]

2.1.3) You are now ready to Execute the Launchpad.exe and wait you will eventualy see this. [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/002.jpg]

2.1.4) Of course click yes [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/003.jpg]

2.1.5) Then your folder should look like this! [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/004.jpg]

2.1.6) Now click check your Launchpad Window! [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/005.jpg]

2.1.7) Make it look like this one (When clicking on the shadow square press yes to the popup) [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/006.jpg]


2.2) Configuration

2.2.1) Press on configuration button

2.2.2) In the general tab, Select the class of you bot.. we will have furtur information on this later just click on limits tab for now! (if you already bought glider enter your key)

2.2.3) Now make it looks like this (Do not forget that mana and health ar in % so 20 is not 20hp DAH!) :P [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/007.jpg]

2.2.4) Click on detection tab, make it look like this (i am NOT using folowers options ... ) its a waste of time [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/008.jpg]

2.2.5) Click on Keys Tab, make it look like mine! you can download keys on wowglider forum i actualy use my custom keys we will see how to make ours later on! [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/009.jpg]

2.2.6) Click on Resurrection tab, again make it look like mine ! 25 rez is enought ... you usualy die like 4 - 5 time while botting if you die more than 25 theres ap roblem you should jsut stop [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/010.jpg]

2.2.7) Open Chat tab, NEVER USE GM REPLY !!! NEVER anyway if you get pm by a gm .. you are -beep-ed up anyway so ...

2.2.8) Party tab, it is useless eccept if you have 2 glider ... but youll lose xp and loot so .. just do not touch anything eccept if you know what you are doing! [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/011.jpg]

2.2.9) Miscellaneous, make it look like mine again .. if you are skinning, check the skinning box + the ninja skinning! you should be all set, use maximum time if you cant monitor the bo every ~ 5 houres + do not use stop when full! [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/012.jpg]

2.2.10) Invisible http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/013.jpg

2.2.11) Click on the INITIAL PROFILE SET button to set a profile that will load with your game since you're bot will be invisible!!

2.2.12) Should now have a browing windows ! select a profile (lot of profiles are available for free on wowglider.com forums! browse them to find one of your level)


2.3) Your wowglider is not all set up! well almost but grats

2.3.1) now clikc on and click "Sec check" youll see this popup [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/014.jpg]

2.3.2) Don't beleive the crap they say but beleive me your bot is now damn secure you son't get caught using it .. eccept if you get reported thats the only way youll get caught!.


2.4) All needed links

2.4.1) Launchpad.exe = http://wowglider.com/InstallEx/Launchpad.exe

2.4.2) Microsoft Framework2 = http://wowglider.com/dotnetfx20.exe


2.5) Thats it! Congratulations


3. In Game related Information

3.1) Setting your key in your bar Correcly

3.1.1) Ok now exit Launchpad.exe and re open it

3.1.2) Once its opened press Configure go in the keys tab.

3.1.3) Browse your glider folder, create a new .txt document in it (right click in folder New > notepad) now open it and put THIS(CHECK AT THE END OF THIS GUIDE) content in it, then save and rename to Keys.xml .

3.1.4) now in the Keys tab on lauchpad window click load!

3.1.5) press ok then press LAUNCH

3.1.6) Once in world of warcraft log into your account

3.2.7) Log onto your char!

3.2.8) Let say your char is a HUNTER

3.2.9) BAR 1 (Shift+1) is combat bar BAR 2 (Shift+2) is Rest bar (keep that in mind)

3.2.10) Pess Shift+2 Slot1 = Food Slot2 = Drink Slot6 = Your aspect (Hawk whatever) Slot7 = Feed pet macro (you have to make one) Slot8 = Call pet Slot9 = Revive Pet Slot5 = Mend Pet

3.2.11) Press Shift+1 check in the key list down in the guide ... at Keyname"HUNTER.Something" and ajust your key like we does for the rest bas but now it for combat!

3.3) Ok command to start the bot

3.3.1) Ctrl ctrl g ... do not hold CTRL just press in a row.

3.3.2) Before pressing the key be sure to be where your profile start .. the bot wont go there alone.

3.3.3) to see where exacly is your profile you will have to open the profile with Pmap!!! check at step 4. to see how to use it!


4. Making your own and checking profiles

4.1 First of all lets download Pmap AND BE SURE YOUR WOW IS CLOSED so reduce your chance being caught!

4.1.1) COMPLETE PACKAGE http://rapidshare.de/files/24623637/ProfileMap.zip.html (Link: http://rapidshare.de/files/24623637/ProfileMap.zip.html

4.1.2) Then replace the exe by RapidShare Webhosting + Webspace (Link: RapidShare Webhosting + Webspace

4.2) Exctract and then open pmap!

4.2.1) You should now see this! [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/015.jpg]

4.3) Pmap Options!

4.3.1) Choose a zone Lets choose Ashenvale and press GO Ok now you should see something like this [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/016.jpg] Make sure 0 Waypoints (the first one) is shown as on ! click on the map and make a circle! This will make the waypoint (the way your bot should folow ... like a line and order!) Now make the Second 0Waypoint On and start from the little cemetery thing up to your circle! This will make your ghost waypoints wich mean that when youll be dead your bot will run back up to your corpse folowing that way! On the side youll see theres otpion! MIN level of target MAX level of target! Blacklist Enabled, wont continues to try to fight mobs that is not able to engage! Natural Running, running "human-like" style Revers Waypoint, revers the waypoints traveling directions Skip waypoints, if running ahead to mobs, will continue to ahead waypoints Beach, wont engaged mobs far underneath character Wander, will stray from profile path if finding wandering mobs Run From avoids Stop After One Pass Ignore Atackers (used mostly for running form onep oint to another) Factions Factions are used to attack only profile related beast .. as an example Bloodsail buccaneers are faction 15 so if theres a crab glider wont attak it becaus its faction is NOT 15 How you can see whats the mob faction ? Just run Glider without the invisible option and atach it to the game once logged in, then target a mob and press Faction, its factions will be displayed in the little glider chat window Avoids Can be very usefull, lets say you are farming bloodsails and they have some minion, you write the word minion so the mob will not target the minions foist but only the bloodsails Advanced settings (DO NOT USE THEM) its too much for you guys if you are reading this Options to choose I always use [WANDER CIRCLE] [bLACKLIST ENABLED] [NATURAL RUNNING] [sKIP WAYPOINTS] [bEACH] I use them because they are the best and make my bot weiser and more "human-like"

4.3.2) Now you can use arrow to go more East South West North on the map, remember that you probably wont make your best farming "profile" the first time youll make one!

4.4) Now lets say you made some circle like we said before!

4.4.1) Change Default.xml to a long name (this is to reduce the chance youll get caught again!) don't forget to let the .xml at the end!

4.4.2) Press Compile! (The "profile" is now saved direcly in the folder where you installed Pmap!)

4.5) Loading a profile with pmap to see where your bot should be before starting it!

4.5.1) Press the broswe button Select the side of you map (WEST Continent or East Continent) http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/Thormrand/017.jpg Then clikc brose and open the profile you want!

4.5.2) It will load the map and show you where it is (you MAY have to more using the arrow to see exacly where it is!!)


5. Using Addons in addition of Glider

5.1 Addons name!

5.1.1) Loot Filter Download at http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-...oot-filter.html In game type /lf and then Check the Gray and white item checkbox ! this will automaticly delete the gray and white items looted.. if however you want to keep one single gray item just type the exact name in the upper Text box and it will automaticly keep it This addons will save time and frustration of always full bot

5.1.2) i am only using this addons lot are available just check out at Curse-gaming.com !!! all automated can help!



6. An example of Keys.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<Key KeyName="Common.ApplyBandage" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Common.Back" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" VK="Down" />

<Key KeyName="Common.BarCombat" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="Shift" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Common.BarRest" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="Shift" Char="2" />

<Key KeyName="Common.ClearTargetMacro" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" VK="F6" />

<Key KeyName="Common.Drink" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="2" />

<Key KeyName="Common.Eat" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Common.Fish" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="-" />

<Key KeyName="Common.Forward" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" VK="Up" />

<Key KeyName="Common.Hearth" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="=" />

<Key KeyName="Common.Jump" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" Char=" " />

<Key KeyName="Common.LureSlot" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="9" />

<Key KeyName="Common.PetAttack" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="Ctrl" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Common.PetFollow" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="Ctrl" Char="2" />

<Key KeyName="Common.PostCombat" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" Char="Undefined" />

<Key KeyName="Common.PostLoot" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" Char="Undefined" />

<Key KeyName="Common.Potion" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Common.PreCombat" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" Char="Undefined" />

<Key KeyName="Common.RotateLeft" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" VK="Left" />

<Key KeyName="Common.RotateRight" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" VK="Right" />

<Key KeyName="Common.Sit" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" Char="X" />

<Key KeyName="Common.StrafeLeft" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" Char="Q" />

<Key KeyName="Common.StrafeRight" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" Char="E" />

<Key KeyName="Common.Target" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" VK="Tab" />

<Key KeyName="Common.TargetLastHostile" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" Char="G" />

<Key KeyName="Common.TargetParty1" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" VK="F2" />

<Key KeyName="Common.TargetParty2" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" VK="F3" />

<Key KeyName="Common.TargetParty3" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" VK="F4" />

<Key KeyName="Common.TargetParty4" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" VK="F5" />

<Key KeyName="Common.TargetSelf" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" VK="F1" />

<Key KeyName="Common.Time1" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" Char="Undefined" />

<Key KeyName="Common.Time30" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" Char="Undefined" />

<Key KeyName="Common.Time5" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" Char="Undefined" />

<Key KeyName="Common.ToggleCombat" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="None" Char="T" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Barkskin" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="9" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Bash" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.BearForm" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Bite" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="-" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.CatForm" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="2" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Charge" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="0" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Claw" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="0" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Cure" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="Alt" Char="8" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.DemoRoar" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Enrage" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="-" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Faerie" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Fury" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.HealingTouch" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.HealingTouchOther" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="Alt" Char="0" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Mark" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.MarkOther" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="Alt" Char="8" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Maul" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Moonfire" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="2" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.NS" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="=" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Prowl" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Ravage" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />


<Key KeyName="Druid.Regrowth" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Rejuvenation" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.RejuvenationOther" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="Alt" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Rip" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Starfire" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Swipe" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="=" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.Thorns" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="8" />

<Key KeyName="Druid.ThornsOther" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="Alt" Char="2" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.Aspect" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.CallPet" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="8" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.FeedPet" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.FeedPetMacro" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.FirstShot" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.Intimidation" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="8" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.Mark" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="=" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.MendPet" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.RaptorStrike" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.RepeatShot" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.RevivePet" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="9" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.SecondShot" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="2" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.Shoot" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.Trap" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="-" />

<Key KeyName="Hunter.Wrath" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="9" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.ArcaneIntellect" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="Alt" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.ArcaneIntellectOther" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="=" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.ArcaneMissiles" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="2" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.ConjureFood" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.ConjureWater" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.Counterspell" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="9" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.CreateManastone" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="0" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.DampenMagic" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="Alt" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.Fireball" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.Fireblast" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.FrostArmor" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.Frostbolt" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.FrostNova" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.MeleeSpell" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="8" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.Poly" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.Scorch" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.UseManastone" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="0" />

<Key KeyName="Mage.Wand" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="=" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.Aura" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.Blessing" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="Alt" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.BlessingOther" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.BlessingWisdomOther" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.BOP" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="Alt" Char="9" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.BOPOther" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="9" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.DivineFavor" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.DivineShield" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.FastHeal" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="Alt" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.FastHealOther" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.HammerJustice" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="2" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.HammerWrath" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="8" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.Heal" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="Alt" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.HealOther" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.Judge" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.LayHands" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="Alt" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.SealCommand" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Paladin.SealCrusader" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.Dispel" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="Alt" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.Fade" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="Alt" Char="8" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.FlashHeal" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="Alt" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.FlashHealOther" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.InnerFire" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.MindBlast" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.MindFlay" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="2" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.PWFort" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="Alt" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.PWFortOther" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.Renew" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="Alt" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.RenewOther" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.RestHeal" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="Alt" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.RestHealOther" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.Shadowform" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="9" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.Shield" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="Alt" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.ShieldOther" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.SWPain" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.Vampiric" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="0" />

<Key KeyName="Priest.Wand" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.AdrenalineRush" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="0" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.Backstab" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.BladeFlurry" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="9" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.CheapShot" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.ColdBlood" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="9" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.Evasion" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="=" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.Eviscerate" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.Feint" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.GhostlyStrike" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="9" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.Gouge" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.Kick" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="8" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.KidneyShot" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.Poison1" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.Poison2" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.Ranged" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.Riposte" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.Sinister" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="2" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.Stealth" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Rogue.Vanish" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="-" />

<Key KeyName="Shaman.Earthbind" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Shaman.EarthShock" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Shaman.Heal" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Shaman.HealOther" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Shaman.HealTotem" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="=" />

<Key KeyName="Shaman.LightningBolt" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Shaman.LightningShield" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="-" />

<Key KeyName="Shaman.NS" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Shaman.Rockbiter" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="0" />

<Key KeyName="Shaman.StartTotem" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.Corruption" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.CreateHealthstone" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="0" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.Curse" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="2" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.DarkPact" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.Deathcoil" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="-" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.DemonArmor" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.DrainLife" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.DrainSoul" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.Fear" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="8" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.HealthFunnel" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.Immolate" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.Lifetap" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.Reckless" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.Shadowbolt" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="9" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.SoulLink" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.SpellLock" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="Ctrl" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.Suffering" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="Ctrl" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.SummonFelhunter" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="8" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.SummonImp" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.SummonSuccubus" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="9" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.SummonVoidie" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.UseHealthstone" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="0" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.VoidieSacrifice" BarState="Indifferent" ShiftState="Ctrl" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Warlock.Wand" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="=" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.BattleShout" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="0" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.Bloodrage" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="-" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.Charge" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.Cleave" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.Concussion" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.DemoShout" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="0" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.Execute" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="3" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.Hamstring" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="2" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.HeroicStrike" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.Overpower" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.Ranged" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="1" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.Rend" BarState="Combat" ShiftState="None" Char="6" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.ShieldBash" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="7" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.SunderArmor" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="4" />

<Key KeyName="Warrior.Thunderclap" BarState="Rest" ShiftState="None" Char="5" />



4.1.1) COMPLETE PACKAGE http://rapidshare.de/files/24623637/Profil...ileMap.zip.html (Link: http://rapidshare.de/files/24623637/Profil...ileMap.zip.html


replaced... cant replace the others... :S


btw i puted a link linking to ur Glider :D (1st post)

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  • Posts

    • The bot video lasts 35 minutes and not everything is shown there, if everything was shown, the video could have lasted several hours. Also, the video quality is reduced so as not to take up much space.The last minutes of the video show bots attacking each other on the event. https://dropmefiles.com/1jMi2
    • We also forgot to say that the deal will be the way you want it, we are ready for almost any of your demands. And we ask the administration to review our post as soon as possible, because several hours have passed and it still hasn't passed moderation, thank you in advance!  
    • 💥Super offer GitHub Account  (5 years)💥 ⚠️ Available to order for only $20🔥
    • Good day to all! We present to your attention our source code h5, where several projects used and achieved very good results, both in terms of online and in general for the project. (Due to confidentiality, the list of projects, the test server and what the basis of the source code will be provided only to real buyers, where they can go and check them out)   The main feature is bots, which are very animated, one to one like real players. But, in addition to bots, the build has a lot of interesting and modern things. Below will be a video showing bots and a little about the server.   As we said, the build was used on several projects, so the first thing that is there is not a single backdoor on the server, all serious and critical errors have been fixed. Races and classes are closer to the official PTS platform.   And also the server can be used as a classic server, as well as a server with add-ons, because the server has added many new things, weapons, armor, jewelry, hats, cloaks, etc.   The server has a full working community board (alt+b), working locations, quests, geodata, mechanism, working ai, in general there are no problems and complaints. In alt+b, shops, various services, buffer, player statistics, clan statistics, mail, profession change, personal account, registration for events, etc. are available.   Additional services: Premium account, visual costumes, nickname change services (for yourself and your pet), nickname and title painting service, karma/PC cleaning, expand services, weapon/armor/jewelry sharpening service, level up and down service, nobles purchase service, beauty salon (new hairstyle change from higher chronicles and face change), additional window purchase service, clan reputation purchase service, weapon augmentation purchase service.   Internal services: auto potions (acp), referral system, repair services, automatic reward delivery after n. time, additional auction, and other working systems, also many available commands, such as: exact date of epic respawn, password change directly inside the game, offline buffer, auto att, registration for castle sieges directly by entering a command and other available commands.   The server has protection (both on the server side and on the client side) that protects against free software and also several other anti-bot systems that will not give the slightest chance to bot users. But if you want people to use software, you just turn it off.   Bots. As we said, one of the main features of our server is bots, they are one to one like real players, now a little about bots and below is a link to a video about how they work: Server bots are like real players, their AI is copied from the AI ??of real characters, and therefore they get what real players get and you can also do with them everything that can be done with real characters.   They write in chats, in all chats, trade, shout, pm, clan chat, general chat. They walk around the cities, level up, farm, kill each other in pvp and pc, put on weapons, armor, jewelry, sharpen weapons. According to their level, they will choose their professions, join clans, participate in different events, use alt+b services - I'm telling you, their AI is copied and adapted like a real player's AI, so they can do everything that a real player can.   Bot control: You can set a chat and words for bots, how often or rarely they will write in chats, you can control where and how the bots will level up, you can control what events they will be at, you can control what cities they will run in, you can control where they will stand, you can even call them to you and that's not all, they are completely in your hands and you can twist them as you want. The bot video lasts 35 minutes and not everything is shown there, if everything was shown, the video could have lasted several hours. Also, the video quality is reduced so as not to take up much space.   You can check the rest yourself on the test server and we will fully show you everything that bots are capable of and you will be surprised)   Now about the price and a little about our work and what is included in this price. We do not sell only the build, we sell the source code in its entirety, so that you can adapt something for yourself. The price of the source code: 15,000 euros. What is included in this price: 1. We do not have a license, you buy it once and you can use it for the rest of your life. 2. There is no online limit and there is also no limit on running bots, the server can support as much online and bots as your VDS is powerful. 3. Client-side protection. You will not pay extra for protection, the source code already has everything. 4. All builds that we have created for projects that bought the source from us (they have ready-made servers, with their own ready-made concepts, configs, different alt+b designs, for different rates x1, x10, x20, x50, x100, x1200, x5000, there are also servers for classics and servers with add-ons, they all have configured bots for their servers) all this will be included in this price. You will receive all the builds of these projects. 5. Once a year we update and improve the source, we will also improve the bots, make different paths for them, different farming places, and revive them more and more, to get them you will have to pay 20 euros to get the updates. 6. You will receive all the bot settings from our first projects to the last, the video shows little, our last configured bots are almost indistinguishable from real players and you will see this yourself on the test server or later. (Our last setup and development of bots lasted 11 months and these works and what bots can do cannot be described in words, you yourself must see them to feel this work and power) 7. We will teach you how to control both the server and training on setting up and controlling bots. 8. We will provide you with VDS for 3 months and if necessary we will help you as much as we can until the first launch of your project! 9. Our bots move, they don't stand in one place, they walk around the cities and use a teleport, after the teleport they move on to the farming place in random places. They communicate in the chat and if you hit them, they can hit you back. They are in almost every city and farming location, near many key NPCs, instance zone managers, etc. They are automatically updated and move around the cities and farming zones. They attack those who have a flag and those who is pk. These are simply unique bots that can help you in terms of your online and your project in general! 10. As we said, our latest bot development lasted 11 months and we made 92 new farm zones for bots, more than 150,000 new paths for all locations, different methods of dressing their equipment, different methods of their behavior and more than 40,000 universal words in the chat, in different languages, where no one can even doubt that these are bots! Our contact information Telegramm: https://t.me/jg_uc Discord: j.g.u.c_dev
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