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Macros for L2


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Guest TheVortex

Command : ----------- : Description

User Interface Commands

Alt+F1-F10 : --- : This selects hotbar 1-10 for use

Alt+Ctrl : --- : Locks combat/PVP mode

Alt+B : --- : Takes you directly to the community bulletin board

Alt+C : --- : Opens the action window

Alt+H : --- : Hides the UI, closing all windows

Alt+J : --- : Closes the chat window

Alt+K : --- : Opens the Skills/Magic window

Alt+T : --- : Opens Charecter window

Alt+U : --- : Opens Quest window

Alt+V : --- : Allows you to view your inventory

Alt+X : --- : Opens the System menu


Chat Commands

"[text] : --- : Use this format to send a tell/whisper to another player

![text] : --- : Use this format to broadcast your message to everyone in the area

#[text] : --- : Use this format to send a message to everyone in your party

@[text] : --- : Use this format to send a message to everyone in your clan

$[text] : --- : Use this format to send a message to everyone in your alliance

+[text] : --- : Use this format to send a broadcast to the Trade channel


Alliance Commands

/allyinvite : --- : Invite a clan to join your alliance

/allyleave : --- : Leave an alliance your clan is currently in

/allydismiss : --- : Dismiss a clan within your current alliance

/allycrest : --- : Use this to select a crest for your alliance

/allyinfo : --- : To find out information on an ally in your alliance

/allydissolve : --- : Dissolve the entire alliance

/allywarstart : --- : Start a war with another alliance

/allywarstop : --- : Stop a war with another alliance

/allywarsurrender : --- : Surrender to another alliance


Hot Keys

ESC : --- : Cancels any actions you have with your selected target

F1-F12 : --- : Allows you to use any assigned shortcut keys

End : --- : Changes your camera view 'Over-the-shoulder'

Home : --- : Changes your camera view 'Front'

Page up : --- : Changes your camera view 'Reduced'

Page Down : --- : Changes your camera view 'Full'

PrtScn : --- : Takes a Screenshot

Tab : --- : Opens your inventory

Ctrl : --- : Holding the Ctrl key while attacking will allow you to PVP or attack friendly NPC's


Friend / Ignore

/friendlist : --- : Display the friend list

/friendinvite : --- : Add a player to the friend list

/frienddel : --- : Remove a player from friend list

/blocklist : --- : List of blocked players

/block : --- : Add a player to the block list (ignore and stop trade)

/unblock : --- : Remove a player from the block list

/allblock : --- : Block text in all chat channels

/allunblock : --- : Remove the text block

/evaluate : --- : Recommend another player


GM / Petition

/gm : --- : Initiate a petition to the GM staff

/gmcancel : --- : Cancel a petition that has already been sent

/gmlist : --- : Browse online GMs

/unstuck : --- : Move a character that may be trapped


Movement and Time

/loc : --- : Display current location in x, y, z

/time : --- : Display current in-game time

/sit : --- : Sit down

/stand : --- : Stand up

/walk : --- : Toggle walk on/off

/run : --- : Toggle run on/off

/mountdismount : --- : Mount or dismount a strider



/attack : --- : Attack the target

/attackforce : --- : Force attack a target

/attackstand : --- : Attack while in a fixed position

/target : --- : Select target

/targetnext : --- : Select next attackable target

/assist : --- : Choose the selected target to assist



/invite : --- : Invite to party

/leave : --- : Leave current party

/dismiss : --- : Dismiss from party

/partymatching : --- : Look for a party

/partyinfo : --- : Display information about the party

/changepartyleader : --- : Give authority to a party member (party leader only)



/pickup : --- : Pick up nearest object

/trade : --- : Trade with the player targeted

/vendor : --- : Set up a private store for selling

/buy : --- : Set up a private store for buying

/privatemanufacture : --- : Set up a private manufacturing store

/findprivatestore : --- : Highlight private stores that match search criteria text


Social Emotions












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ummm ok thank , but Commands MAcros???


example :


01../target Falibatti



04..Wooowww pickud %target


Thats is simple , i wnna more Commands , thas is basic , anymore??

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  • 2 months later...

opa godlike..... k esy edo katelikses apo tote pou anikse o iris?? xaxa


Ama thelete na milate ellinika,tha milate sto Elliniko section.Edw tah milate agglika, telos.


-1 sto karma.

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