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[WTS] L2J - Perfect + Stable Interlude Files.


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The pack is not good, many files are missing, NPCs and so on. Events do not work as advertised in every pack, CONFIG files are totally disorganized within a folder. beyond this "protection for the client" is just a change in the port LoginServer and in system folder. He did not bother to clean the tables in sql, to facilitate and organize anything ... and did not give me the minimum support, and mistreat me when I asked the files that were missing here in the forum by pm. my worst spent 80 EURO ;/

- Just thought I should post, because the member does not respect anything, and want to earn money on anything.

(sorry for bad english) ;x

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The pack is not good, many files are missing, NPCs and so on. Events do not work as advertised in every pack, CONFIG files are totally disorganized within a folder. beyond this "protection for the client" is just a change in the port LoginServer and in system folder. He did not bother to clean the tables in sql, to facilitate and organize anything ... and did not give me the minimum support, and mistreat me when I asked the files that were missing here in the forum by pm. my worst spent 80 EURO ;/

- Just thought I should post, because the member does not respect anything, and want to earn money on anything.

(sorry for bad english) ;x


omg thanx god i i didn't but this

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omg thanx god i i didn't but this

learn english



you're creating topics that u want to buy files with 150 euros and on pms you want pack with 10 euros retarded kid.

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learn english



you're creating topics that u want to buy files with 150 euros and on pms you want pack with 10 euros retarded kid.


bought l2jdevil based on acis noob

many files are missing, NPCs and so on. Events do not work as advertised in every pack, CONFIG files are totally disorganized within a folder

kkkkkkkkkk nice pack man

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The pack is not good, many files are missing, NPCs and so on. Events do not work as advertised in every pack, CONFIG files are totally disorganized within a folder. beyond this "protection for the client" is just a change in the port LoginServer and in system folder. He did not bother to clean the tables in sql, to facilitate and organize anything ... and did not give me the minimum support, and mistreat me when I asked the files that were missing here in the forum by pm. my worst spent 80 EURO ;/

- Just thought I should post, because the member does not respect anything, and want to earn money on anything.

(sorry for bad english) ;x

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bought l2jdevil based on acis noob

many files are missing, NPCs and so on. Events do not work as advertised in every pack, CONFIG files are totally disorganized within a folder

kkkkkkkkkk nice pack man

ok ok l2jdevil it's a proffessional pack by skilled developers haha you made my day.



Locked since i have to be away for some weeks.

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