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Hello everyone... i don't care anymore about lineage II and why i don't have sell the project?


now i will sell the L2Flector Server Pack and source(ofc with updates and bugs fixed)

if you have play on the flector before sell it you know the features and the game play

Ps:(550+ online/day)



//before start with pack informatios i have to say something else.

//We have make a big Guard System to help FloodProtector and fix a lot of bug's


Serious Bugs like stucking,tricks have fixed.

(all about Augment skills/skills stucking fixed)



10Pvp/pk color system

Quake System(killing spree)

Npc Clan Crest

1 augment skill allowed

Retail Fixed Olympiad

Roy the Cat Remote by lvl

Pc Bang System+Pc Bang Trader

Event Engine with 12 events and Vote Npc

and some features..




  1)Msn: d-prigipas@hotmail.com

  2)Private Message


i accept only Paypal..


  Pack: 50

  Source: 50

  Pack + Source: 80



PS: Don't allowed Spam or Flames.

PS: For more information add to msn..








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