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looking for goddess of destruction high rate server


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if anyone knows decent god server with fast farm and exp please let me know ( dont suggest l2 tenkai because 80% new features isn't working and what is working is based on donation or long term grid ) thank you in advance :)

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i will say again l2 tenkai programer's server and the guy who owns it go no idea how to make server enjoyable and how to atrack people to server because when you start to play lvl up is easy up to lvl 93-95 after that wherever you go is slow exp+ stupid kids mostly from spain/portugal/argentina with full r99 and few ++ on weapon pk newbies and in server pk guard dont even exist so all these nonbrain kids who just want to pk are destroying newbies hard lvl effort by killing them and ks mobs , second that i hate in this server is r99 SA enchant scrolls and the rest atchievable in game (within at least a week non stop farm ) or by donations so as far as i know donations should be balanced so donators wouldn't be overpowered but like i said owner got no idea how to make server enjoyable he is just trying to make profit ( i dont blame him ) anyway this server is already dead to me so i dont see a point to discuss about it anymore if anyone knows GOD server any at all excluding l2 tenkai please let us know because the actual game is awesome but servers like l2 tenkai takes out all the joy from it .....

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If you dont cry/whine all time, you can easily get r99 +10-12 in 2 days max. in  about 2h playing you can get lvl99 and r99 +0 gear. then you can farm/participate in events, get a clan.

What you are looking for, is a server with few people when -you- join, get gear up fast, become top, then a whole bunch of people joins so u have easy victims. sorry, l2tenkai is not for you.


L2 tenkai's donation system is pretty balanced. since it offers staff that doesnt alter the game. In other servers its max enchant +16 , donors get +20. or  they can get their own augments, or their own wyvern/hero status/ and many more.. get serius. L2Tenkai's project, is worth trying, and i know and see the admin team is really working on it adding missing stuff, implementing new ones, and the community is also friendly unless you being a jack@ss :) hf

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he don't ask for official he asks probably for private that's why High Rate. Anyways, l2tenkai is totally crap server I logged in before 1 month ago but the server has many bugs if you are 19 lvl go to cruma with 40 lvl mobs kill it and you got nothing for XP. How can kill as a 19 lvl character 40 lvl mobs? omg.

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cry?? i think Ur the same kid player like all player in the server i was trying  to play in the server but u have pk in farming  i have post in forum of the server with same name kuki u can see it but u think some one do something? no .how do u want i make to lvl 99 if u have pk every were? and u talking about cray? yes most think in the server work good, shit players no pk kill Gard in farm  u have all god armors Guss what u need  nchate +6  but u can get scroll form event and 90% of the event not working. i think dis server  can be the best server ever, but  i stop play there

friendly community?? u tray to talk with people to ask something what thy do ?? oo yes kill u and funny think thy see Ur noob Taryn to figure out what go in on  forget about  thy don't care yes English hmm no Spanish bum ded lol let me ask u something did u play on god official or read somthing about i know no why cuz god change lineage 2 everything about pk no more pk is for people want to play  and anjoy it so i just back to official is frre  i have lvl 85 in like 3-4 weak so I'm not spending time on some server thy going to close in 2-3 month and why cuz people going to leave the server


Learn english omfg. Your text hurts my eyes.

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guys i know that moaning about l2 tenkai will just make all you angry etc forget it ... just please post links with l2 GOD private high servers ( not official and not l2 tenkai) but any other GOD server would be great i cant believe there are no GOD servers out there i was looking myself for few weeks and could not find a single private high rate server that would be worth to stay in ..... thank you in advance again waiting for links ....


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l2tenkai is not bad , but...you need time to be ready for pvp with a good gear

i'm looking for a faster server too , but there is few GOD server  :/


ps : sorry for my english xD


No, is too bad I never understand the bugs of this server because there is some bugs.

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