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[Share] Faunus Armor Set (All Races) Full Pack By D0Ds™ {Freya-H5} - (Updated)


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Hi all,


I decided to share one of my pack. this is Faunus Armor Set for all races with head gear and cloak.

Update please see the change log.

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Change Log (Feb. 24, 2012)

  • Skills Added
    • Faunus Heavy Set Passive Skill
    • Faunus Leather Set Passive Skill
    • Faunus Robe Set Passive Skill
    • Faunus Special Ability for Head Gear (Awakening) Active Skill
    • Faunus Special Ability for Cloak (Back to town) Active Skill

    [*]Fixed Icons

    • Heavy Set Skill Icon
    • Leather Set Skill Icon
    • Robe Set Skill Icon
    • Armor / Accessories Icons


.rar password: d0ds

Credits: d0ds™

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Guest Elfocrash

So actually it is just a changed panner of vorpal.well IMO the 500 post to see it are not needed.make it 10 or something.it is really easy to be made so the posts are way too many.

Thanks for your job

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So actually it is just a changed panner of vorpal.well IMO the 500 post to see it are not needed.make it 10 or something.it is really easy to be made so the posts are way too many.

Thanks for your job

oh yea.. you will need to export all tga's and make new set of armor again.. 

yea its easy..


I cannot change hide count..


P.S. Mind your own business...

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Guest Elfocrash

oh yea.. you will need to export all tga's and make new set of armor again.. 

yea its easy..

it is like 8 seconds for the export of all materials (with my tool),1 minute to recolors envmap and texture of panner and 10 minutes to complete the textures



yea its easy..



I cannot change hide count..

yes you can


P.S. Mind your own business...

My business is to criticize other people's work.i didn't said it is ugly but you present it like it is the hardest thing to be done AND you add a hide post limit to 500.oh come on.

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hide its ok i dont want to see it in another forum from bot's where login here just to take armor's and share to their forums


about panner i dont like it but why?

why the green texture is like u paste it on armor is not like it passes on armor if u can understand what iam saying


about elfo

@elfo why you want all members use your tool ok u made it but some of guys here have already the files and work with them days now and is better for them so dont tell them how to work and with what tool (he made  an armor so i dont think he need advice what tool to use)

about that :

My business is to criticize other people's work.i didn't said it is ugly but you present it like it is the hardest thing to be done AND you add a hide post limit to 500.oh come on.

its you and psinakhs haha when maxtor or some1 here take u to criticize ppl? and we say when something is not good just tell what is not good to author to fix it to looks better

yes i know my english sucks but i dont care cause i know u can understand me and stop being " the some1 " because you are not


@Dodsky keep ur job dud i see all ur armor's in youtube (follow my tips up and u will make your armor's cooler ! ;)

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Guest Elfocrash

I didn't forced anyone to use my stuff lawl(actually is so bad that with an addon it can adapt stuff from other chronicles).i just explain how the situation is and you know i am right.I don't care about your english as long as i understand what you say.also i can make a "tutorial" showing how ppl can do this themselves.i dont need to get hired to criticize.Everyone does it.Fact babe.


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I didn't forced anyone to use my stuff lawl(actually is so bad that with an addon it can adapt stuff from other chronicles).i just explain how the situation is and you know i am right.I don't care about your english as long as i understand what you say.also i can make a "tutorial" showing how ppl can do this themselves.i dont need to get hired to criticize.Everyone does it.Fact babe.


i will say that where iam saying to all

watch learn and dont talk ;)


if you want to be more offtopic go to spam section iam bored to explain to everyone what is what

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Guest Elfocrash

I am not offtopic.and i actually i know way more than you or dods.it is not offensive.i am just better.

you are still too young to through your poop to me (thx Leluche)

End of story.GJ Dods

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I don't post this thread to criticize.. as you can see in my subject [share]. about the hide post.. you think this forum will stay for a year if the hide is not exist??


btw.. 500 hide maybe emo. but I want hide it like that.. so whats your problem with that?? if Moderator see its wrong to hide 500, they are free to change it.



I am not offtopic.and i actually i know way more than you or dods.it is not offensive.i am just better.

you are still too young to through your poop to me (thx Leluche)

End of story.GJ Dods

so whats the point. I didn't mention any thing about you.. so stop talking.. I read all your post.. and all nega for all the guys here..  this is community for all free man, you don't need to tell some ones not or yes... give a damn way for each people want to  pass through.. CRAB


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Guest Elfocrash

I don't post this thread to criticize.. as you can see in my subject [share]. about the hide post.. you think this forum will stay for a year if the hide is not exist??


btw.. 500 hide maybe emo. but I want hide it like that.. so whats your problem with that?? if Moderator see its wrong to hide 500, they are free to change it.


well you think that the guy that wanna leech the armors dont have a donators account?

poor boy


ok now stop this and stay on topic

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I am not offtopic.and i actually i know way more than you or dods.it is not offensive.i am just better.

you are still too young to through your poop to me (thx Leluche)

End of story.GJ Dods

i dont care what you are or what you gonna be but you start from my , critical error's and other modders guides here to learn no1 other learn u ok? so give some respect to the guys who learn u that kind of stuff that where u tell that iam pro on this now i dont want to criticize u but you have ride the pole [gr]η οπως λεμε εμεις καβαλησες το καλαμι...


about "End of story.GJ Dods" you could have told that from the begining but u go to play it some1 so ! End of story

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