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(Freya) L2jserver Last Revision.

I wonder if anyone is able to apply the same effect .. for events or Death is TvT Math .. that all players have come laa same look .. fakenpc style as ...

Email me at chulo_velez@hotmail.com or a message .. if they have questions about my order or just want to ask and explain better .. but I doubt it because it is simple to order!


i was thinkin to make an custom TvTEvent "Tent" from which u can brough fake pc which will looks exactly like u with your statistics everything should be the same and will attack the enemy team :P

p.s. i did it cuz sometimes tvt is not balanced 3894238 for red 19 for blue for example and when some of teams got big difference on the points Tents are spawned only for the team with less points ;))

I have done the npc and knownlist for tvt if u are interesed we can do that



I pay 40 us$ by adapting the code

I from my client .. I see my normal char .. I see only the appearances of others the same ... and they would see me as I see them .. means?

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