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Problem with compile.



Hello. I testing some files. But i have one problem till now with compiling one pack.


D:\Workspace\Java\build.xml:80: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Total time: 31 seconds



I think here is the problem:

		<javac srcdir="${src.gameserver}" destdir="${build.classes}" debug="${debug}" source="1.6" target="1.6" encoding="UTF-8" nowarn="off" includeantruntime="false" classpath="${build.classpath}:${build}/commons.jar">


I use jdk 1.6.0

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before "build failed" eclipse may show you where is the error, check it again plz

		<javac srcdir="${src.gameserver}" destdir="${build.classes}" debug="${debug}" source="1.6" target="1.6" encoding="UTF-8" nowarn="off" includeantruntime="false" classpath="${build.classpath}:${build}/commons.jar">


Update jdk..

Thank you. Working now.

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