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Linux Based OS



I can see some guides about how to install your own L2J server but all of them are for Windows OS, i know that lot of people use Linux based OS in their hosting machines cause you don't need to pay for the Windows license every month.


In this guide you will learn how to set up a L2J server in your Linux Based Os machine, and i will give you some advices and recommended installations for your device.


Index of:


-Downloading and Installing Java in your device.

-Downloading and Installing MySQL in your device.

-Set up a L2J server in Linux Based OS.

-Recommeded applications for your devide.

Downloading and installing Java (JDK) in your device


Check if you already have a Java software's version


java -version


If not, type this command to start the download and installation of JDK.


sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk


Once finished the installation process, we will set up de Java Virtual Machine to be used (by our L2J serer in this case, but can be used by any proces that requires it).


sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun


You have installed and setted up JDK succesfull in your machine, then, you can go to the next step. (It's supposed that you want to use the 6 version of Java, the most common for L2J projects, but you can use any version you want just changing the value 6 for the number of the version you want to use in the command you typed before).


Downloading and installing MySQL in your device


Now we will install MySQL in our Linux Based OS, but we will use Xampp for Linux because this program bring us some useful aplications like PHP libs, MySQL server, Apache and PhpMyAdmin, very useful if you want to install a webside in your device too.


Download Xampp for linux from here, and upload it to your machine (you can use any FTP client to do that i can recommend you FileZilla Client


Once uploaded,



(let us install as administrator, root)


tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.1.tar.gz -C /opt

(let us unzip Xampp for Linux in the specified folder, C:/opt in this case).


/opt/lampp/lampp start

(this command starts Xampp for Linux)


Now we need to configurate Xampp for Linux in order to let us set up our database, account manager and all that requires a SQL database process, so type:


/opt/lampp/lampp security


You will se some questions at your console, set all as default but when the progam aks you want to make MySQL avaible for the networking you MUST say YES.


Now we will configure the remote acces for a external IP:




if you don't find this you can type




and find httpd-xampp.conf


Now type:


Allow from ::1 type.your.ip.here/8 \


Well, now our database is accesible from any web browsner, you can try it typing your device ip in any web browsner (will appears the defaul index.php file for Xampp for Linux). From here you can acces to phpmyadmin, configure more settings, and all what you want.


I recommend you to read the full guide about Xampp for Linux from the official webside


Setting up your L2J serverpack

Up to now we have all we need to set upour L2J server, then, let's go!


Upload your serverpack to the folder you want in your hosting machine (you can use any FTP client to do that).


Once you have created a new folder for your serverpack and you have uploaded it there, we can start with the installation process.


cd /serverpack folder/tools/


Now you are in the "tools" folder of your datapck, now we need to execute the Bash file, (in windows we use to execute the .bat file "databaseinstaller.bat" but in linux we cannot do that, so we just execute "databaseinstaller.sh", and the same with "registergameserver.sh", "startloginserver.sh" and "startgameserver.sh")


Type this:


chmod +x database_installer.sh






and install your database (as i said before, is just like in windows but we've used the .sh file)


Now we need to register our gameserver, so go to the loginserver folder:


cd /serverpack folder/loginserver


and type this in order to execute the bash file "registergameserver.sh"


chmod +x registerGameServer.sh


and now:




Follow the steps like in Windows (like with "database_installer.sh").


Well if you have followed all theese steps, you have succesfull installed your L2J serverpack in a Linux Based OS. Now if you want o start your server you have to type:


Start LS:


chmod +x startLoginServer.sh LoginServer_loop.sh



Start GS


chmod +x startGameServer.sh GameServer_loop.sh



(You must be in the LS and GS folder to use this commands, you can go there just typing cd home/server folder/loginserver or /gamserver, as you did in some steps before).


This guide was created to be used in Ubuntu server or descktop but you can adapt it to another Linux Based OS just changing the Console commands you have typed in each step, some of the will be the same for Debian for example, for some of them can be a bit different).



Recommended applications for your device.


This section will be updated if i find more usefull programs for you, up to now we have:


CSF Firewall:


wget http://www.configserver.com/free/csf.tgz
gunzip csf.tgz
tar xf csf.tar
cd csf
sh install.sh


Read this from the official webside


DDos Deflate:


wget http://www.inetbase.com/scripts/ddos/install.sh
chmod 0700 install.sh


More information from its official webside


Well this is all for now, i hope this guide could be usefull for someone who wants to start with Linux Based OS, if you are interested in more information you can PM me whenever you want, and feel free about posting your doubts in this topic, i'll answer it as soons as possible.










  • Upvote 1

Hahaha, that's true, i know is a newbie guide, but is a way to learn for newbie people.


anyway, thanks.


For the record never said it was a newbie guide, I said it'd help newbies, since more experienced users probably manage most of the things in the guide.



Someone stick this...

  • 1 month later...

And then we hear complaints like as l2j sections are dead,imao....

@Recall Tryskell


Btw,whats the differences between xaamp and mysql?


And then we hear complaints like as l2j sections are dead,imao....

@Recall Tryskell


Btw,whats the differences between xaamp and mysql?


xaamp no idea XD


XAMPP is an Apache distribution for easy setup that has Apache server, PHP support, MySQL and Perl.


MySQL is a relational database server, a SQL server like the name implies.


If you install a pack like XAMPP you have some preconfigured options, etc, and you may lose controls of some stuff, when you install the SQL server by yourself you do all configurations by hand.

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