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[WTS]L2Services + More

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Hello MaxCheaters!





As the title says we are offering Lineage II - Services About our work and if we are trusted?

First you will request something then we will create it,Second you will see your request in a test server,Third if you like it you will

pay and you will take your request

To avoid any problem (The guy who will request it should know speak the english language)

We are working on something new so we don't have too much free time.So we will hear your request and if we can make it

you will take our accept.

Your Request Will Be Ready (Max 3 Days)





What we offer?


  • Fast & Trusted Services
  • Whole Server Setup.We can spawn all your npc and create how you want your server looks like.(Max 4 Days)
  • We can create new and unique NPC for your server. (Gmshops,Teleporters,Custom Shops)
  • Setup your server on Windows OS (No time for linux)
  • Create your server's Patch


The Prices:


  • Whole Server Setup Max 4 Days: 30 Euro
  • New And Unique Npc: 10 Euro Each.On 2 Npc you get the 3rd one free!
  • Setup your server on your machine (Windows OS Only): 5 Euro
  • Create Your Server's Patch: 5 Euro





For more info pm us!


How it works?


  • Pm us and you will get all your info
    • Price: 40 Euro



    Payment Methods:


    • PayPal
    • PaySafe Card
    • Bank


    You contact with us via:

    • Sent me pm here

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OoOoOoo Fantastic Futures :P i will surely try your services

Thank you :) You're welcome


I wanted to use this , but when i saw the prices i changed my mind..

It's a unique protection so i can't low the price..But we can have a discount anyway.

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See many Topics like this lately .. Good luck with your jobs..

Thanks :)


This guy is trusted.

I can vouch for him...

I already bought his protection system and it's true it is working 100%

You can't bypass it.


Thank you too..

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No Trusted Guy.. I Have Buy From Him. He is a liar. He Is Dont Make Anything Own.

I Have One Project He Is say is the Best He Is Sell it if anybody wants see his abilities, skills and work pm me and he is maintain this prohect that i have.

Something Like SCAMMER

Sorry For My bad English!

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No Trusted Guy.. I Have Buy From Him. He is a liar. He Is Dont Make Anything Own.

I Have One Project He Is say is the Best He Is Sell it if anybody wants see his abilities, skills and work pm me and he is maintain this prohect that i have.

Something Like SCAMMER

try again,in english.

I didnt get a shit.

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