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hello  e  any  hav problem with  siege ?  l2jstigmo  ???????


Yes .. artifacts not spawn


ontopic: Rules Όπως ήδη γνωρίζετε, το να μοιράζεστε preconfigured packs και/ή να ζητάτε υποστήριξη όσο τα χρησιμοποιείτε, είναι αυστηρά απαγορευμένο στο forum μας.




L2Sigmo :Private, international Interlude project.


Not based at any well known projects, such as ACIS etc.


We are selling only our time needed for development, and supporting our members.


By purchasing our services/files you agree to our rules (you can find them at our forum)


ATM project is stable, tested by our testers, but in case of any problem, issue or anything else related with project, we won't left you alone, you can always request help!


L2Sigmo forum : http://www.l2sigmo.byethost15.com/forum/index.php?topic=52.0



I find out as well that vahilior is creating new project call : Desire Project...


This is going to be the same project as l2sigmo but they just change the name ...

So make sure that you wont buy this shit project becau

se is going to be the same as sigmo ...

Vahilior is doing this just for money


Link to Desire Forum


I find out as well that vahilior is creating new project call : Desire Project...


This is going to be the same project as l2sigmo but they just change the name ...

So make sure that you wont buy this shit project becau

se is going to be the same as sigmo ...

Vahilior is doing this just for money


Link to Desire Forum

NOT ALOWED preconfigured packs
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