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League of Legends - Champion Sneak Peek – Volibear

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Every once in a while, there comes a champions so controversial that even the executives can’t agree on what to do with them. Some might claim that the combination of two awesome elements can only yield up an even greater awesome of truly epic proportions, while others might cling to the superstition that too much awesome isolated in one particular being can only lead inevitably to disaster.




The two awesome elements that we’re talking about in this case are, of course: bears and gigantic suits of armor.


For many of you, Volibear, the Thunder’s Roar is no doubt the best news you will get in the time of your natural lives. For others, we understand the anxiety that might accompany the thought of facing down a massive, armored bear. If you’re one of those summoners afflicted by a phobia of bear armory, we’ve arranged to include the following comic to help your face down your fears.


Ursine enthusiasts everywhere rejoice! Your bear in shining armor is has nearly arrived!




Warwick v2 or Nunu v2?

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