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help me please with buffer! :S



please help me to add a buffer in my server ive try 100 times i just cant..

invite me in MSN: buscheu@hotmail.gr

i will make you gm in my server or i give you my Teamviewer acc to add the buffer in the server files and just give me the ID!!!to add me the buffer!!!! TY PLEASE HELP ME!

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Hahaha ,i had this problem now 1 day ago and i already learned everything (so fast)


1. What's your l2 pack ,is l2j,l2jfree? or? ,and what's the client?


Depends on ur answer ,i may answer as well ,i know only about l2j atm :/

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Hahaha ,i had this problem now 1 day ago and i already learned everything (so fast)


1. What's your l2 pack ,is l2j,l2jfree? or? ,and what's the client?


Depends on ur answer ,i may answer as well ,i know only about l2j atm :/

l2j dot pack can you help me?
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L2Jdot ...

No ,just L2J XD ,im not even sure if someone can help you with that ,sry [each pack is different and needs a lot of modifications for each script to work ,every other packs than L2J are private and they have 0 or few shares] :( ,why do you think those ppls who use l2 dc or l2 off use only retail system? is simple ,they dont know to make l2j scripts to work on dc (like me) ,i tryed to make l2j scripts working on l2 dc and im not sure if il succeed alone w/o any help

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Step 1)  Open Navicat and double click on your l2jdb. Then press right click on it and choose the option "Execute Batch file" Find the SQL file, from your Buffer's folder, and press start, to execute it. If an error appears, saying that it finished unsuccesfully, then the buffer does not suit your pack.


or if you dont have a sql file just copy 1 and change the id. to your buffers numer :D


Step 2)  Copy the ".html" files from your buffer's folder, and paste them into C:/server/GameServer/Data/html/default.




Step 3) Copy the folder "9999_NPCBuffer (or your buffer folder name) (it may have another number too, but this is the most usual) and paste it in C:/server/gameserver/Data/Script/Custom - the folder jScript may be named simpyl Script, but still nothing changes.



Step 4)  Go at C:/server/gameserver/data, find the file "Scripts.cfg" and open it with Notepad. Go to the last line, press enter (to leave a line) and paste this:


custom/9999_NPCBuffer/__init__.py (or your buffer name folder and file)


Save & Close it. Now just restart your server, //spawn 9999 and that's everything :D



y try to explain everything the most understandable way possible also you can use google or search on the forum cuz this is already shared like 1000 times

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I was sure


Same story like me ,using l2 dc and now i need to use l2j in order to make my server ,then with best i can, at the end il try to update to DC ,i think you can do the same as me working with a normal interlude pack then update to dot if you think dot is better ,but if u say is exactly l2j then fine >> ,do as the other guy told ya


The most important sql files to copy/paste are npc.sql;spawnlist.sql;droplist [gracia case] ,obviously npc dont work ,you need to edit in order to restore the stats u did to npcs >> ,etcetera xD [this is the update case]


PS: Step 2)  Copy the ".html" files from your buffer's folder, and paste them into C:/server/GameServer/Data/html/default.  ,IM NOT SURE ABOUT THIS BECAUSE ,if html npc dont work when ure in-game ,you need to change directory :P

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Step 1)  Open Navicat and double click on your l2jdb. Then press right click on it and choose the option "Execute Batch file" Find the SQL file, from your Buffer's folder, and press start, to execute it. If an error appears, saying that it finished unsuccesfully, then the buffer does not suit your pack.


or if you dont have a sql file just copy 1 and change the id. to your buffers numer :D


Step 2)  Copy the ".html" files from your buffer's folder, and paste them into C:/server/GameServer/Data/html/default.




Step 3) Copy the folder "9999_NPCBuffer (or your buffer folder name) (it may have another number too, but this is the most usual) and paste it in C:/server/gameserver/Data/Script/Custom - the folder jScript may be named simpyl Script, but still nothing changes.



Step 4)  Go at C:/server/gameserver/data, find the file "Scripts.cfg" and open it with Notepad. Go to the last line, press enter (to leave a line) and paste this:


custom/9999_NPCBuffer/__init__.py (or your buffer name folder and file)


Save & Close it. Now just restart your server, //spawn 9999 and that's everything :D



y try to explain everything the most understandable way possible also you can use google or search on the forum cuz this is already shared like 1000 times

dude if i find a buffer that suits with my pack can you join my pc with Tviewer to make the others ?
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l2j dot pack can you help me?


Q: I want help for L2j Archid/Dot/Brazil/Umbrella/Jenova/Oneo/Equal.

A: Well, do not ask for help if you are using any of these projects. They are dead, so you can't find support.





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