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I try to add from goddess client 2 animated daggers, but fileedit wont let me save them , i tought first that freya client dont support 2 animated daggers , but it supports 2 animated fists, so i believe for daggers is possible too.


this is the code i use  and works, but ofc the secodn dagger is missing the second texture



0	17336	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons2.R90_phasian_m00_wp	LineageWeapons2.R90_phasian_m00_wp		LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00		0	0	0	0	0	2	1	0	icon.weapon_r_dualdagger_i00					-1	2050	8	1	0	0		1		7	10	2	LineageWeapons2.R90_phasian_m00_wp	LineageWeapons2.R90_phasian_m00_wp	2	1	3	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00		1					ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	489	226	15	7	12	-3	0	0	0	433	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u002	LineageEffect.c_u004	6.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.45000005	0.60000002	0.69999999	0.10000000	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	0.75000000	0.40000001	0.40000001	1.10000002	0.69999999	0.69999999	12.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	7.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	2	4	-1	-1	-1	-1								


so i add the secodn texture but it wont let me save, meaning it s smt wrong but i dont know what! LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01


[code]0	17336	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons2.R90_phasian_m00_wp	LineageWeapons2.R90_phasian_m00_wp		LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01	0	0	0	0	0	2	1	0	icon.weapon_r_dualdagger_i00					-1	2050	8	1	0	0		1		7	10	2	LineageWeapons2.R90_phasian_m00_wp	LineageWeapons2.R90_phasian_m00_wp	2	1	3	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01	1					ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	489	226	15	7	12	-3	0	0	0	433	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u002	LineageEffect.c_u004	6.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.45000005	0.60000002	0.69999999	0.10000000	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	0.75000000	0.40000001	0.40000001	1.10000002	0.69999999	0.69999999	12.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	7.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	2	4	-1	-1	-1	-1								



where the hell i m making this wrong?!


When you add an aditional texture you must change the "number of textures" numbers:



2	1	3	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01

0	0	0	0	0	2	1	0	icon.weapon_r_dualdagger_i00



2	2	4	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t00	LineageWeaponsTex2.R90_phasian_t01

0	0	0	0	0	2	2	0	icon.weapon_r_dualdagger_i00


Don't forget change the enchant effect glow and modify the following numbers to fit the enchant with the weapon.


I don't know exactly what number defines the longitud, but you can contrast between retails weapons and testing yourself. The enchant is defined in two types. The color glow size and the lightning glow size. I guess (I haven't time for test it), the first sequence of numbers is for color glow size:

LineageEffect.c_u006		5.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.89999998	0.50000000					

And the next is for lightning glow size:

LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.50000000	0.69999999	0.69999999	12.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000						


In case of dual weapons (Dual Swords, Dual Daggers, Dual Fists, Dual Blunts...), the empty fields are filled by more numbers that defines the color/lightning glow size of the second weapon. Example of Dual Fist:

LineageEffect.c_u001	LineageEffect.c_u001	0.00000000	3.09999990	1.00000000	0.00000000	3.09999990	1.00000000	0.86000001	0.86000001	0.25000000	0.25000000

LineageWeapons2.rangesample	LineageWeapons2.rangesample	0.85000002	0.85000002	0.85000002	0.85000002	0.85000002	0.85000002	0.00000000	1.00000000	-0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	0.00000000

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