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i got the l2file edit [int-kamael] and i cannont save my edited item-name,npcnames and etc

i sad  a file in temp is missing [new-(item-name/npc...)] cannont be found ]

any tipps?


edited * now working


And i wanna ask for help by no-ip.org( my english is bad)    ,cuz i got a rouher and must always change in my server the ip...



Just download this This is program...you have to select your client....then the file that you want to export....After Export the prgram make automaticaly a .txt file and in there are saved all .dat file.....then you go thele...you open the .txt file...you make it like you wan....then you save it....and finaly you click Import...select the txt that you have already modify and that's all!





Oh,i just saw your problem with no-ip!Look go to http://no-ip.com and create an account for free....or with other words Sign Up!Then when you make the account go again to http://no-ip.com and Login.Then at first menu press Add...then write your no-ip adress and under hostname select .no-ip.org .When you do this press at the end of page create host! Then go again to http:\\no-ip.com and go to menu download or press here


Ok,select the link to download and when you open....the program will be autoupdate your no-ip if your IP change!


Now for server go to gameserver\config\server.pro and at Extrenal hostname write your NO-IP adrees.... for example ccccc.no-ip.org and that's ALL!


Also you said that you have router....ok if you want write me the model that you have and i will find you the ports that you must open....If you don't, go HERE find factory and model and then GAME....follow the instructions and that's all :) :)




did i do all right?

and a question :


if my routher reserts my ip changes,i dont need to conf. the server setting but all other do? [they must open l2file edit and change ip] or i there a other way??


Disable telnet ... now with no-ip you just have to edit the l2.ini with the No-Ip IP and share it so other can log .. if you rr your PC nothing will happen ... your IP may change but other will log cuz no-ip is like a static IP !

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