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[L2J] L2 HardStyle 50x - Freya - 300+ Players!


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when i logged in there was like 150 players on , i dint use any kind of program and i didnt count them one by one but what i said is that there were not 300 players as u say, maybe its cause i logged in during rush hours

anyway u shouldnt be that defensive/offensive, its annoying


;D i cant stop laughing....

Really? You logged and there were 150 players on? "i dint use any kind of program and i didnt count them one by one but what i said is that there were not 300 players as u say" Ok, Stop:

1- You didnt use any program

2- You didnt count them

3- but what u said was there not 300 players? What do u mean? You mean just because u say, there isnt?

Lineage II map is big. And dont come with the story of "i was at farm zones etc".

But now u blow it, u say without any proof just because u say its 150 players, that means my server has to be with 150 players only?

Do me a favor, when u do realize ur wrong never post wrong info. Because i get mad when people try to ruin my stuff for any method ;) I showed u proff, what else more u need? You log into my house and say me in the face u only see "150" ffs.


PS: Im not going to stop defeding my work, just because you want to ruin it. And even when some random guy post at my own topic that i dont have this or that at my server without true facts.

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fuck dude i wanna ruin ur job and sh1t u have to be retarded an antisocial piece of shit who thinks that every1 is against him

anyway i dont intend to harm ur servers reputation in any way and i said that ur server was quite cool and also said that population too low to be 300 maybe it was wrong saying "140"


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-beep- dude i wanna ruin ur job and sh1t u have to be retarded an antisocial piece of shit who thinks that every1 is against him

anyway i dont intend to harm ur servers reputation in any way and i said that ur server was quite cool and also said that population too low to be 300 maybe it was wrong saying "140"


no problem dude.

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my friends and i are playing on that server from the beginning and love being there.. is simply amazing how the server is growing.. every day new players, new clans, new wars and more fun

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  • 1 year later...

The website/forum are down.

Also as i read Administrations are kinds, nothing to expect ... another random well c/p server hoster & published from home PC...


Even if its hosted on server mashine this doesn't change the fact that they did not inform the players whats going on with theyr server...

If website is down, i guess someone should inform us here... Admin was answering every random bad commend and now when server is down everyone are sleeping?


PC: I'm not even playing it becouse i already know what does it looks like :D


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