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interlude [L2OFF-IL] L2Phoenix - Stacking Sub - Started July 2011

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*Autolearn skill

*Substack main and all 3 retails

**with non-stacking weapon and armor masteries

**supports retail canceling (will cancel substack associated with retail slot)

*Vote reward system

**Vote with our VoteManager app to earn points

***login with your game account info

***fill-in the captcha security textbox

***confirm captcha text

***wait 5 sec for update

***click save points

**Exchange points for 'vote ticket' tradable item by typing .vote in-game

**Exchange 'vote ticket' at npc Calia for useful items


*Custom potions

*Offline shops

**make a normal buy or sell shop

**type .offline_shop

**logout and your character will remain in-game while shop is still active

*Spirit release system

**slay 5 players in PVP to activate skill to regen some hp/mp/cp

*Team vs Team

**automated 1vs1 through 5vs5 managed combat

**signup at TvT manager to participate in a team based PVP

**players get warped to a sealed off arena when match is about to begin

**players get time to buff each other, followed by count down to match start

*Duel system

*Toggle skills with no interrupt



*No Donation Exclusive Items


More to be announced...


Adena 25x

Item chance 10x

Spoil chance 25x

*basic mats 2x quantity

*additional quantity if spoil % for item exceeds 100%

Exp rate 50x

Sp rate 45x

Quest exp 10x

Quest sp 10x

Quest adena 10x

Party exp 1.0x

Party level cap: active

Enchant Rates

weapon safe enchant = 3

armor safe enchant = 3


weapon enchant max = 6

armor enchant max = 6


weapon magic +3 -> +4 = 40%

weapon magic +4 -> +5 = 40%

weapon magic +5 -> +6 = 40%


weapon normal +3 -> +4 = 66%

weapon normal +4 -> +5 = 66%

weapon normal +5 -> +6 = 66%


armor +3 -> +4 = 70%

armor +4 -> +5 = 34%

armor +5 -> +6 = 25%

Quest Rates

[10x] Yoke of the Past

[10x] Fragments of the Dimension

[10x] Third Class Change Quest - Shrine of Loyalty

[ 3x] Supplier of Reagents. (Noblesse / Subclass / B Grade Items)

[ 5x] Coin of Magic (C Grade Items / A Grade Recipes)

[ 5x] Influx of the Machines (B Grade Weapon Recipes)

[ 3x] Stolen Dignity (A Grade Weapon Parts)

[ 3x] Exploration of Giant's Cave, Part I (Low A Grade Light/Heavy Armor Recipes)

[ 3x] Exploration of Giant's Cave, Part II (High A Grade Light/Heavy Armor Recipes)

[ 3x] Whisper of Dreams, Part I (A Grade Robe Materials)

[ 3x] Whisper of Dreams, Part II (A Grade Robe Recipes)

[ 3x] Legacy of Insolence (A Grade Armor Recipes)

[ 3x] For Sleepless Deadman (A Grade Jewelry and Shield Parts)

[ 3x] Illegitimate Child of Goddess (A Grade Jewelry and Shield Recipes)

[ 1x] Watching Eyes (S Grade Jewelry Materials)

[ 1x] Shadow of Light (S Grade Jewelry Recipe)

[ 1x] Relics of the Old Empire (S Grade Weapon Recipe)

[ 1x] Gather the Flames (S Grade Weapon Recipe)

[10x] Alliance with Varka Silenos (Class Change / Alliance Quest)

[ 1x] War with Ketra Orcs (S Grade Armor Recipe)

[10x] Alliance with Ketra Orcs (Class Change / Alliance Quest)

[ 1x] Battle Against Varka Silenos (S Grade Armor Recipe)

[ 3x] A Powerful Primeval Creature (Interlude A Grade Weapon Recipes)

[ 3x] Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe (Interlude A Grade Weapon Parts)

[ 5x] Ghosts of Batur (Materials)

[ 5x] Grave Robber Annihilation (Materials)

[ 5x] Black Swan (Materials)

[ 5x] Necromancer's Request (Materials)

[ 5x] Delicious Top Choice Meat (Materials)

[ 5x] The Zero Hour (Materials)

[ 1x] Guardians of the Holy Grail (EWS/EAS)

[ 5x] Heart in search of Power



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