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Lost Wrath l Highrate Server l 3.3.5a l 5 years experience

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Lost Wrath


Lost wrath is a Highrate Wrath of the Lich King private server. Now I know what your thinking out of all the private servers, why choose us? We have been apart of the private server community for 5 years. We were once one of the top private server's around, and we're looking to get back to the spot. We strive to bring the best and real WoW experience to our players.


  • Scripts
    LostWrath contains some of the best Raid, Instance, Boss, Creature's and Zonescripts available on private servers,We aim to provide full rich PvE enviroment just like we do with PvP.
  • Dungeon Finder
    Our Dungeon Finder, is working and helps contribute to the "Real" WoW experience. Dungeon Finder is the Looking for Dungeon system. It is only used for 5-man dungeons.
  • Battleground's and Arenas
    Although PVE is a huge part of our community, what is a private server without PvP? We have fully working Battlegrounds and Arenas. Along with our PvP in top shape, Almost all character spells are working!
  • Community
    Community is a huge part of Lost Wrath. We not only have great in-game support, but we also integrate our website as a huge part of our server. Join the forums, chat to other players. Get quick support, find a guild and keep up with server information!

    Join today!

    If you haven't already check out our site! and join the on growing community as we work to bring you the best private server experience possible! To join click: Here. Lost Wrath also promotes a voting system that allows players to gain vote points. (For each vote you receive 1 point) Once you obtain a certain amount of points you can spend them to gain items that are not accessible to in-game players. Thanks for reading and hope to see you in-game!

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