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exo tin 6 kai ipa na balo 7 kai tin jdk tin kani kanonika unistall alla tin alina me lei kati ena error ddl arxio packgs kati tetio katebasa kai to prounistaler alla pali to idio lei pliz help pos na to kano unistall

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bump pedia mono in 7 dexete den dexete tin 6 me lei gia to paget ddl pos fix afto episis otan kano unistall tin 7 kai pao na balo tin 6 me lei alredy kai ki pou telioni me lei afto to error min me pite theli format tha stenaxoritho kenourios ine o diskws

exo win 7 x64

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ela file dn ksero an 8a se voh8isi afto ala dokimaseto

mpes edo >> C:\users\user\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\Recent

diegrapse ola ta prosfeta stixia kane rr to pc ke ksana prospa8ise na to ksana kanis...

prosoxi: otan vgazi error dll mpori na einai virus :(

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