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Hi everyone !!!

I want to precent a totaly new Lineage2 Private Server with big future and many promising fun game time.


Current Futures


EXP = x1000

SP = x1000

Drop = x1

DropSpoil = x1

QuestDrop = x7

QuestRewardXP = x7

QuestRewardSP = x7

QuestRewardAdena = x7

Adena = x1000

Party XP = x2

Party SP = x2

Skills = Autolearn (without spellbook)

LvL 81 Skills = Forgotten Scrolls is in GMshop

Enchant Safe = +4

Enchant Max = +16

Normal scrolls chance = 70%

Normal scrolls chance = 85%

Subclass Quest = No Need Quest

Max Subclasses = 3

Noblesse Quest = No Need Quest (All chars start with noblesse status)

AutoEvents = TvT, TvT Round, CTF (every 1 hour)*

Events by GMs = Death Match

Sieges = every weak

Olympiad Period = Weekly

Olympiad participation time = 18:00 GMT+1

Olympiad Validatioon time = Every Sunday 18:00 - 24:00 GMT +1

GM Shop = Full

Class Master = Yes (When character reach levels 20,40,76 he will receive tutorial page

with list of the all possible variants, and can  immediately change to the new occupation)

Buffers = Scheme Buffer

Buff time = 4 Hours for all Buffs include proffesy and dance/songs

GateKeeper = Luxury GateKeeper

Server Restart = Auto Restart every 12 hours.

Donates = Exist but without overenchants or items that can't be obtained in game. (Prices is not seted yet)



* Event is configured to start 1 after other.


Our Server Developers work every day on the features and soon the server will have more fun features and events for more interesting game. Join Us Now !!!



# Dedicated Server Mashine  #


CPU: AMD x2 240 (Dual Core)


HDD: 500GB

OS: Windows Server 2008 x64 R2

Internet Connection: 100mb/Uplink

Bandwidth: 10TB / Monthly

Online Players without lags: 500 players



The server is currently Live Opened and we plan to keep it for many many years alive for you and your friends. Of cause the donates is existed in our server to let our players support us and help us to pay the high monthly costs of Dedicated server. There is no items that can be obtained only via donate, that mean that all players have the same chance to grow their characters at same level with donators.

Also i would like request  expirienced GMs that is serius people and want to become member of our team conatact us via e-mail Administrator@l2symban.com.


PS: Second High Rate x1000 Server will be listed soon in our server list for players that love PvP. Join our community and enjoy the game !!!


L2Symban website is : http://www.l2symban.com

  • 2 weeks later...

We are add A grade Armor sets, A grade Weapons & Interlude Weapons in GMShop tradable with adena to help our players get starting with good gears without pain of farming and crafting.... Join Us and don't forget to leave your opinions/suggestions on our forum community... Out team will always respect your wishes !!!


with 7 euro u can get a S84 weapon +16 on a x25 rate server. I LOL-ED SO HARD!!!! :)))))


I've seen many fail servers in my life but this one goes up in top 5!


top 3


It is not bad to be in Top List... even in negative opinions  ;D


The donates are maded only to keep the server alive not to be reach from the donates so we will update the prices once the server will grow up... anyway i think that is not the best way to judge the server upon the donate prices it is not the main thing of l2 players ;)...

Cheers !!!

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