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Everything posted by artour24

  1. ...........say whatever you want i'm out off these pointless discusion... Low IQ peoples will remain always low IQ nothing will save them....
  2. Cristina come on now please don't say such kind of bullsh1ts... did you even belive all what about you say or... ? You don't have access to the database to look who is playing from internet caffe or who is not so don't try to show your "clever opinions" here... You say that many ppls are leave cause of my change and you repeat it 1000 times cause you are so poor to admit that there was also many active clans that was leave the server cause of you... you was ban some players just cause they was say their opinions (or idk maybe you was have some personal problems with them but nvm) i was get every holy day pms in game and in forum about your Actions and they was all call you HITLER... the players that was leave the server cause of your actions was much more than those who was not accept my changes where i was clear the server from OP classes by fixing them... ask you clan members that are play now in our server and see what they will say about the current balance... so the only reason that our server currently have 50-60 players online is because of you and Anna that are so hard trying to disadvertise the server... nevermind soon ppls will understand what kind of person are you i don't need to prove that to no1 there out... only blind peoples could not see and understand what you trying to do now... But you know very well that our server will grow up every day ... want you that or no... will you keep trying to disadvertise our server or no ... you can't change nothing !!! PS: I hear that you and Anna are GMs in some other server (i know witch one but i will not say it... there is no reason)... i hope you will not act there as in our server... but in any case i am so sorry about owner of your new server... he don't even can imagine what snakes he have gathered...
  3. I can answer in each your reply and proove that you are fail but i am bored to do that you don't deserve som much attention. Just want to notice that vote reward system don't give rewards to dualboxes but only to 1 window that you have opened and you as previus GM should know it... but of cause what am i saying your work was not to look the server but to talk with your friends in Hero chat ;) so you could not have time to see how the autoreward system work... 38 dualboxes ---> realy ? then our players are superman cause there was mass pvp 20 vs 20 :D ... and remember what was i saying in our forum... i prefer 150 players online but active than 1000 clickers that sit in Giran and spam .... Nevermind you will never admit that our server is good cause you was fail as GM and now you try to show that it was not your fault... Ok whatever you say :) !
  4. Max speed = 250 (was 240 before 2 weeks) Max evasion = 250 (was 200 also before 2 weeks) Augmentation are retail like cause i don't see some reason to make them with custom stats, we have already GoD armors that give custom status so why should Augment skills have custom status in pvp server ? Old players that was search for a real balance are still in server and they are glad with the current balance, cause now they can play with all classes not only with Tanks or Mages or Daggers. Those who search new server are you and your clan not the old players as you say... 50ppl online ??? well today was 75 and it is growing up everyday since you left the server... guess why... Also a bad new for you is that even some of your clan members are prefer to stay in our server and not folow you in other... again guess why... Girls nevermind don't try to show to others how low you are, all can understand that the reason of your current acts is cause you was banned from the server that's all. Peoples will come in our server even if you will go to TV show to say your fail opinions about our server ;)
  5. I was not imagine that you would be so upset from banning :) ... nevermind girls hope that you will find one other server to destroy it, cause in my server you was fail to do that. PS: no reason to thank me about "barbies" cause that mean you have the same plastic brain with it :D
  6. Brainless girl first at all you have to learn what mean Lineage 2 and after give your fail suggestions to someone. Except of play with your barbie you can't even get the differece between Low rate server and Hight rate server... PvP server is not that one where all classes have some super Patack or Matack and give over 10k damages... that called Dragon Ball online not L2... PvP server is where players can login, get some gear fast and pvp each other with normal L2 conditions and normal damages... so if you are so poor to understand even these simple thing then i am realy wonder what at heck you lose in Lineage game... So these server is not created for you and such kind of people but for realy expirienced players... please don't reply again with your fail opinions better go play some packman or MU online ;)
  7. Realy Unaware ? :) ... ok you want me to say to all who you are realy and why you and Empire3 say that about server ? ok... Unaware and Empire3 is our previus "GM".... or at least they was think that they are .... these Baribie Girls are leaders of a poor clan that change server every week to find one where they will able to corrupt it or at least where GMs will gave them some hand of help to grow up their clan members who don't have even a basic knowledge on L2..... well around a week ago they was banned from the server (Reason is to big story and you can find it in our forum)... well after they was banned ofcause they start to say craps about our server.... Keaizer are you try it at least or you just an other poor personality that judge a server without even try it ?.... Our server 1st at all is not corupted, have a serius staff that work on the server everyday and fix any discovered bug, GMs make events everyday, we are not looking for donators and our first preority is to provide fun to all players, we listen everyones opinion and then make a general cofidarations to decide if we should add/remove or make something that our player suggest to us.... in short words we are a server with big feature, even if some random persons like Unaware and rest of tards want to see our server dead they will not get that joy never ;) ... keep trying to kill... you are give more power with your tries :D .... And as last think... we invite to join us only players that love a pure game of L2 and they who don't search pvp servers where some classes are hell overpowered... Players with Kownledge, Expirience, Logic are welcomed the rest clickers/cryers would be good to join some server with Unaware toghether ;) .... Good Luck !!!
  8. First post edited... i add the link of the site... thank you that you notice it i was totaly forget about it :)
  9. Hi everyone !!! I would like to precent to all fans of L2 game our Updated PVP HI5 server, where the community are growing up every day and Administration team work on it every day to provide to players more fun !!! I will not advertise more the server with words, i will let you to try us and you will see if our server worth of your attention !!! Some quick description about our server: Current Futures ----------------------------------------------- EXP = x1000 SP = x1000 Drop = x1 DropSpoil = x1 QuestDrop = x7 QuestRewardXP = x7 QuestRewardSP = x7 QuestRewardAdena = x7 Adena = x1000 Party XP = x2 Party SP = x2 Skills = Autolearn (without spellbook) Enchant Safe = +4 Enchant Max = +16 Normal scrolls chance = 75% Blessed scrolls chance = 95% Subclass Quest = No Need Quest Max Subclasses = 3 Noblesse Quest = All chars start with Nobllesse status AutoEvents = TvT Events by GMs = Death Match, Town War Commands = .pvp4 .delvel .info and much more Full GeoData GoD Armors GoD Weapons Custom LvL Up Areas Custom Farm Areas Custom PvP Areas Color Name System Top PvP/PK NPC Augmenter NPC Wearhouse NPC Sieges = every weak Olympiad Period = 1 week Olympiad participation time = 18:00 GMT+1 Olympiad Validation time = Every Sunday 18:00 GMT+1 until 23:59 GMT+1 GM Shop = Yes PvP Trader = Yes Class Master = Yes (When character reach levels 20,40,76 he will receive tutorial page with list of the all possible variants, and can immediately change to the new occupation) Buffers = Scheme Buffer Buff time = 4 Hours GateKeeper = Luxury GateKeeper Custom Faction Area Custom PVP Area (with epic bosses that drop unique items) Custom currency (L2Symban Coin) for private shops that allow you to sell/buy any kind of items that you obtain. AutoVoteReward System (Availble also to get reward directly from our website). Active GM's that make events every day.... JOIN US with your friends and bring the chaos to your oponents !!! The server's features updated every week so Join us and Enjoy the Game !!! http://www.l2symban.com
  10. It is not bad to be in Top List... even in negative opinions ;D The donates are maded only to keep the server alive not to be reach from the donates so we will update the prices once the server will grow up... anyway i think that is not the best way to judge the server upon the donate prices it is not the main thing of l2 players ;)... Cheers !!!
  11. We are add A grade Armor sets, A grade Weapons & Interlude Weapons in GMShop tradable with adena to help our players get starting with good gears without pain of farming and crafting.... Join Us and don't forget to leave your opinions/suggestions on our forum community... Out team will always respect your wishes !!!
  12. We are searching for expirienced active GM's... if you are interested send us e-mail to administrator@l2symban.com
  13. Hi everyone !!! I want to precent a totaly new Lineage2 Private Server with big future and many promising fun game time. Current Futures ---------------------- EXP = x1000 SP = x1000 Drop = x1 DropSpoil = x1 QuestDrop = x7 QuestRewardXP = x7 QuestRewardSP = x7 QuestRewardAdena = x7 Adena = x1000 Party XP = x2 Party SP = x2 Skills = Autolearn (without spellbook) LvL 81 Skills = Forgotten Scrolls is in GMshop Enchant Safe = +4 Enchant Max = +16 Normal scrolls chance = 70% Normal scrolls chance = 85% Subclass Quest = No Need Quest Max Subclasses = 3 Noblesse Quest = No Need Quest (All chars start with noblesse status) AutoEvents = TvT, TvT Round, CTF (every 1 hour)* Events by GMs = Death Match Sieges = every weak Olympiad Period = Weekly Olympiad participation time = 18:00 GMT+1 Olympiad Validatioon time = Every Sunday 18:00 - 24:00 GMT +1 GM Shop = Full Class Master = Yes (When character reach levels 20,40,76 he will receive tutorial page with list of the all possible variants, and can immediately change to the new occupation) Buffers = Scheme Buffer Buff time = 4 Hours for all Buffs include proffesy and dance/songs GateKeeper = Luxury GateKeeper Server Restart = Auto Restart every 12 hours. Donates = Exist but without overenchants or items that can't be obtained in game. (Prices is not seted yet) * Event is configured to start 1 after other. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Server Developers work every day on the features and soon the server will have more fun features and events for more interesting game. Join Us Now !!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #################### # Dedicated Server Mashine # ################### CPU: AMD x2 240 (Dual Core) RAM: 8GB DDR3 HDD: 500GB OS: Windows Server 2008 x64 R2 Internet Connection: 100mb/Uplink Bandwidth: 10TB / Monthly Online Players without lags: 500 players ----------------------------------- The server is currently Live Opened and we plan to keep it for many many years alive for you and your friends. Of cause the donates is existed in our server to let our players support us and help us to pay the high monthly costs of Dedicated server. There is no items that can be obtained only via donate, that mean that all players have the same chance to grow their characters at same level with donators. Also i would like request expirienced GMs that is serius people and want to become member of our team conatact us via e-mail Administrator@l2symban.com. PS: Second High Rate x1000 Server will be listed soon in our server list for players that love PvP. Join our community and enjoy the game !!! L2Symban website is : http://www.l2symban.com
  14. i want to inform all people who was unable connect to our server that the problem is solved and you have to download the new updated patch...http://l2greece.clanteam.com/connect.html also read the forum about how to connect.
  15. pls add me in msn and we will find where exactly is the problem diakosmisi21@hotmail.com
  16. :) i just read the welcome text of Pegasus and yes in some means is same :D but as you can see in 70-80% of l2 sites that use welcome message the text is same and always talk about staff's warrnings and informations :P btw maybe i will think some different text in future :D. For now i was have some problem with my uploaded patch but i think that now is solved and i wait for crazy greeks to come in server and let the party start ;) !!!
  17. Yeah that's are the point of our server .. players have no needs to try hard for enchant their items but.. there is something important you can't buy blessed scrolls in shop, you have to participate in TvT or KTB event to win them also there is some additional farm zones where the mobs are little bit hard and they drop some items like Blessed Scrolls, Event Apigia, Glittering Medals and Giant's book Mastery but with under 5% chance of drop ( maded for Farm Maniac :D ) so as you say we are pvp server and we want all players to concentrate to pvp and not to farm. However we add everyday new funny event's / new Instances with mobs that drop usefull items etc so i think that exeps of the pvp meaning players can do many other things. Thank you for your wishes ;)
  18. -L2Greece Freya x1000 -Safe - 10 -Enchant max - 30 -Normal Scroll Rate = 70% -Blessed Scroll Rate = 100% -Elements Stone Chance = 50% -Top LS Chance for skill = 80% -Automatic-Vote Reward System that give rewards to all online players after reach the necessary amount of votes increasment in HopZone -GmShop Most Important Items is Free -Forgoten Scrolls is Free -Scheme Buffer - 4hours -Custom farm Area (Created for Farm fans as a 2nd chelenge to obtain some items necessary for extra improve of character the main way to obtain them is event participatating) -Characters Start 85LvL with Noblesse status -TvT every 1 hour with many and usefull rewards -Custom KTB Event for team work and big party with great rewards -Custom Baium Hair that give extra stats -No Weight Limit -No Grade Penalty -Hero system every 1 month No GM's in server to avoid corruption and unfair behavior, Only Admin is the main person that control the game (fair & friendly). Our server is new and haven't much of peoples so don't be surpriced if you will see small amount of online players. Come join us and help the server to grow up more and more every day. Make a Character and be ready for PvP/Pk ;)
  19. Επιδι το προηγουμενο topic μου το εκλεισαν ( αν και εθεσα δευτερο ερωτημα χωρις να το λυσω και το εκανα σε ενα topic για να μην spamaro ) ξαναθετω καινουργιο και θα παρακαλεσω να μην το λαβεται ως spam. Λοιπον το προβλημα ειναι οτι οταν μπαινω στο game κανενα NPC/Mob δεν εμφανιζεται. 1) Οταν εκανα compile δεν ελαβα κανενα error 2) οταν τρεχω το σερβερ δεν μου βγαζει κανενα error 3) στο Navicat το npc table ειναι ΟΚ δεν λειπει τπτ 4) Spawn στο game μεσα μπορω να κανω με //spawn και τα NPC που βγαζω μετα την επανεκινηση βγαινουν κανονικα Τα SVN που χρησιμοποιω ειναι:΅ http://svn.l2jserver.com/branches/L2_GameServer_T1.5 http://svn.l2jdp.com/branches/T1.5_DataPack Το Client μου ειναι σωστο 100% επιδι εχω ακομα 1 σερβερ με preconfigured pack tis l2emu Τ1.5 και ολα ειναι ΟΚ Αν εχει κανεις ιδεα τι μπορει να φταει παρακαλω απαντηστε.
  20. kala euxaristo vevaia gia to endiaferon alla 1on egrapsa ligo pio pano oti to provlima to elisa kai itane ta lanthasmena svn kai 2on sta config tou l2j pack den yparxei tetio pragma pou na leei "delete char = true/false" to mono pou yparxei einai to se poses meres tha diagrafetai o char. btw thanks kai pali gia to endiaferon sou na voithiseis Filarako an kai to elisa to provlima, i apantisi sou itane ligo astoxi. anoikse to l2 ftiakse enan char meta kanton delete gia na mpei stin lista gia delete kai meta apola auta an mporeseis na paikseis kiolas me auton ton char xoris na ton vgaleis apo tin lista delete ego tha pao na kano donate kai tha sou doso osa karma thes :D ... sorry paidia no offence apla kai oi 2 sas mou dosate as to po evgenika "apantisi me ligmeni imerominia" :D ...
  21. kala paidia megalo sygnomi alla meta apo poles spasokefalies anakalipsa apla oti xrisimopoio telios akyro svn :D tora vrika ta sosta svn kai ola mia xara, ekana kai kapoia edit sto pack gia protection kai diafores alles psiloleptomeries alla tora antimetopizo allo provlima kai sas zito pali tin gnomi sas ( autin tin fora sigoura oi gnoseis mou den mou arkoun gia na ta vgalo pera monos mou ) afou meta apo 8 ores idrota kai prospatheia ekana ena ctf event engine kai to ekana compile alla epidi se mena den einai dynaton ola na pane kala me tin mia :D tora den emfanizontai ta npc sto game ( mesa se auta kai ta mob ) dld mpeno sto game den exo oute ena npc pouthena ( apo tin mia den exo kai lag xaaxaxaxa ). Ok tora pera apo tin plaka spawn mporo na kano npc kai meta to rr tou server npc pou kano spawn vgainei, alla auto den einai lisi den mporo na trexo kai na kano spawn 4000+ npc/mob tha geraso mexri na ta kano spawn :D... an mporei kaneis na mou dosei esto enan prosanatolismo pou tha mporousa na pirakso kati oste na to tsekaro giati ego tora den mporo me tpt na katalavo ti apola piraksa. mia lisy vaivea einai na kano ftou kai apo tin arxi to katharo pack compile alla den mou paei i kardia na diagrapso oti ekana mexri tora mono kai mono gia ena komati pou isos mporo na epidiorthoso. edo ta svn pou xrisimopoio: http://svn.l2jdp.com/branches/T1.5_DataPack http://svn.l2jserver.com/branches/L2_GameServer_T1.5 euxaristo ek ton proteron gia opoiadipote voitheia ... perimeno me anoimoponisia kapoio reply
  22. Einai to proto mou pos sto maxcheaters kai prin theso to erotima mou thelo na doso sygxaritiria se ola ta meli tou maxcheaters oi opioi voithane afantasta me ta ekseretika tous topic se oles tis grammes tou developing kai genika sto stisimo enos server l2. loipon na sas perigrapso to provlima mou kai elpizo kapoios na exei tis kataliles gnoseis gia na mou pei pou akrivos kano lathos. exo ksekinisei na kano diko mou pack gia l2jserver Chronicle Hellbound me tin voitheia tou maxcheaters mporesa kai ekana compile ta svn pou xrisimopihsa einai http://svn.l2jdp.com/trunk/datapack_development http://svn.l2jserver.com/trunk/L2_GameServer xoris na kano kanena edit sta java eipa na dokimaso genika an doulevoune ta arxeia ekana to build pira ta aparetita .rar arxeia egkatestisa to server ekana ta aparaita edit sta loginserver.properties kai sto server.properties na min ta polulogo ton server ton "anoiksa" kai apo do ksekinaei to provlimataki mou anoigo to l2.exe kano kanonika to login ftiaxno to char kai molis oloklirono to create o char mou automata mpenei stin lista gia delete exontas ena text pano apo tin kefala tou deleting time:12492days 19 hours 12minutes kai den mporo na vgalo to delete me tpt. na simosv akoma oti eks'arxis eixa probvlima me to protocol version to opoio sto server.properties itan 216 (den ksero apo pou kios pou efoson ta svn arxeia mou ypotithete itan gia HB) alla teslos panton to allaksa se 831 pou einai to protocol tou Hellbound. ---> isos auti kai na einai i aitia tou provlimatos alla me tis tapines mou gnoseis den mporo na to po me sigouria. tha sas eimoun afantasta eugnomon ean mou legate ti akrivos mporei na ftaei kai pos mporo na to ftiakso. P.S:Episis proeretika zito sygnomi an postara se lathos meros alla den ksero se ti katigoria akrivos na katatakso to provlima mou :( kai den exo kai megali empiria se auto to terastio forum tou maxcheaters gia na gnorizo ola ta topic
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