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[Share] Conquerable Locations Mod


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Conquerable Locations Mod



1. How does it work:


- each conquerable location has one own "Occupation Crystal"




- only clan with level 4 or above may be occupier of the location


- each clan is allowed to have multiple locations at once


2. To become lord of the location, you will have to:


- kill "Occupation Crystal" (don't wory, he will be respawned shortly)




- kill its defeners and guards - if exist


3. Benefits:


- praise and prestige for your clan and clan members


- special functions avaiable at Occupation Crystal


- soon more info



Occupation Crystal Functions:


- Only Clan Leader of the clan which is owner of the location may control/set functions of the crystal!


- There are few functions avaiable to set, depends from crystal type (there are better and worse)


For example:


1. First Function, Defence Ability:


- If this function is enabled, and someone will attack your location (will try to kill your location Crystal), Crystal will automaticaly try to fend off enemy attack, for example crystal is allowed to spawn his defeners such as Inteligent NPC Guards (like powerful mages which are able to use debufs and magic attacks etc) or dangerous creatures (Monsters) Crystal may also try to paralyze attackers for few seconds. Clan leader may enable those defence abilites by adequate price.


2. Second Function, Warning Ability:


- While this function is enabled, and someone will try to attack your location, each online clan member will be warned of the denger, that someone is trying to conqer your location. Its really useful option while no one is guarding your location! As always, you will have to pay for such facilities.


3. More Abilities - in Development!



Other Info:


- Its obvious, but you are not allowed to kill your own Crystal (reduce HP)




- If your clan will lose Conqerable Location, each online clan member will be informed.



Some new images included (as a description)


This mod is fully working now.


Crystal Main Window (chat):





Owner (clan leader) may buy/enable/disable addintional abilities:





Whole Conquerable Location mod is well described, there is "Crystal Guide" button





You can always check basic info about current owner of the location:





Note: There are new Crystal Abilities/Functions in development.


Also please take a look at whole description of this mod (1st post)


This mod may be easily installed, contains 1 java file, 1 sql file and 5 htm files.


You can create as much conqerable locations with this crystal, as you wish.



Code is kinda messy.


pass: matim


Edit by MixMasteR:



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i thought this and the other mysterious elven ruins mod you were selling them both ..

however thanks for sharing, every certain time i see good works over here ;)

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Because people are selling my work and claiming that they did it.


I have shared it because its better for me to share it, instead letting people to sell my work.

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  • 1 month later...

Great share Matim!.. I have a little question about the code. Does the clan gets any skills when they are owning the crystals?.. Like you do when you own a castle/fort? :)




gRfd` - stop spamming while you can't even check content of the thread.


HighOne - hide your reply with reupload please.

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