Dask Posted August 17, 2011 Posted August 17, 2011 It takes a truly resourceful gentleman to seamlessly combine function and style, particularly on the battlefield. It should come as no surprise, then, that the upcoming champion of the League is a man of both utility and flair. Allow me to introduce Talon, The Blade's Shadow. In addition to looking every bit the part of the cloaked and cowled assassin that he is, Talon's cloak of blades makes him a dangerous and terrifying presence on the battlefield. It's probably best to steer clear of this this cloaked and dangerous champion on the Field of Justice, or he won't be the only one pulling a disappearing act. Wannabe Assassins Creed. Πολυ με ενθουσιασε μολις το ειδα. Αν εχει και Hidden Blade ειναι επισημως το main μου. Πειτε τις αποψεις σας. Πηγη: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=345829 Quote
Amphetamine Posted August 17, 2011 Posted August 17, 2011 It takes a truly resourceful gentleman to seamlessly combine function and style, particularly on the battlefield. It should come as no surprise, then, that the upcoming champion of the League is a man of both utility and flair. Allow me to introduce Talon, The Blade's Shadow. In addition to looking every bit the part of the cloaked and cowled assassin that he is, Talon's cloak of blades makes him a dangerous and terrifying presence on the battlefield. It's probably best to steer clear of this this cloaked and dangerous champion on the Field of Justice, or he won't be the only one pulling a disappearing act. Wannabe Assassins Creed. Πολυ με ενθουσιασε μολις το ειδα. Αν εχει και Hidden Blade ειναι επισημως το main μου. Πειτε τις αποψεις σας. Πηγη: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=345829 gr egw k o vaxil p eimaste lover to AC 9a tn agorasume sigoura... Quote
Dask Posted August 17, 2011 Author Posted August 17, 2011 Και εγω. Θελω να κανει και αυτα τα τρελα που κανει στο Assassins Creed. Επισης οταν σκοτωνω καποιον να του λεει Rest in peace ( στα ιταλικα δεν θυμαμαι πως το ελεγε ) . Quote
CHAPPiE Posted August 17, 2011 Posted August 17, 2011 i believe this hero will be good but it looks a lot as new skin of Garen Quote
Amphetamine Posted August 17, 2011 Posted August 17, 2011 i believe this hero will be good but it looks a lot as new skin of Garen He looks like Enzio Auditore from AC2 Quote
Epimetheus Posted August 17, 2011 Posted August 17, 2011 i think that he will be ad assasin :D! with stealth or rush ;)! Quote
Amphetamine Posted August 17, 2011 Posted August 17, 2011 i think that he will be ad assasin :D! with stealth or rush ;)! naah it will be ap with stealth :P like akali Quote
Fortuna Posted August 17, 2011 Posted August 17, 2011 http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/news/talon-mechanics-preview Quote
Amphetamine Posted August 17, 2011 Posted August 17, 2011 http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/news/talon-mechanics-preview he gonna be so oopppppp :3 Quote
Epimetheus Posted August 18, 2011 Posted August 18, 2011 his ulti is something like vayne+irelia Quote
Dask Posted August 18, 2011 Author Posted August 18, 2011 http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/news/talon-mechanics-preview Ας το βαλουμε και εδω να το διαβαζουμε αμεσως. Talon, the Blade's Shadow, is a physical damage assassin who specializes in high-mobility, high-risk, high-reward gameplay. Our goal with Talon was to create a powerful but fragile melee character with specialized tools to make him both deadly and evasive. As a result, what Talon lacks in durability and sustain, he dishes out in mobility and power. The driving force behind Talon's gameplay is the way that he engages and disengages from combat using his four abilities: * Cutthroat: An ability that allows Talon to catch his enemies by surprise. Talon leaps behind his target and silences them for a short duration, amplifying the damage of any of his follow up attacks and abilities. * Noxian Diplomacy: Talon viciously stabs his enemy, dealing heavy physical damage and causing them to leave a blood trail that Talon can use to track them. * Rake: Talon fans out three blades in front of him that quickly return to him, dealing damage and slowing any target hit in either direction. * Shadow Assault (Ultimate): Talon enters stealth for a short duration, gaining a movement speed boost and sending blades that deal damage to all enemies in their path flying in every direction. Once the blades reach a certain distance, they pause and form a circle. When Talon reappears from stealth, the blades return to him, once again dealing damage to any opponent they pass through. * Mercy (Passive): Talon's auto-attacks deal additional damage to a target that is under the influence of any crowd control effect. Playing Talon effectively is all about reading the situation and reacting strategically to your target. Shadow Assault can be either your saving grace or your deadliest advance. Using it to disappear can sting your target and leave them chasing ghosts. But if it's a fight you want, using it to initiate in conjuction with Cutthroat, Noxian Diplomacy, and Mercy can deal significant burst damage. To sum up, Talon's a mean, shadowy, vicious assassin... and we're excited to see him join the League soon. And as a side note, his mobility and elusiveness makes him a very good pick on Dominion! Απο οτι διαβασα εγω καταλαβα οτι ο παικτης ειναι ASSASSIN με ολη την σημασια της λεξης. Κατι σαν την Akali. Η αληθεια ειναι οτι σαν την Akali δεν μπορει να σκοτωσει κανενας αλλος champion. Και επιτελους εκαναν κατι παρομοιο με αλλα Spells για να εχουμε και κατι το διαφορετικο. Εχει Stealth/Silence, απο οτι ειδα το 2ο Spell του ειναι κατι σαν το Q του Nocturne για να βλεπει προς τα που κινειται ο αντιπαλος και λοιπα. Εχει πολλα, πιστευω πως στο επομενο patch θα φαει μεγαλο nerf οπως και καθε αλλος νεος champion αλλωστε. Quote
Fortuna Posted August 18, 2011 Posted August 18, 2011 Ο Assassin με το μεγαλύτερο burst είναι η Le Blanc (Η οποία είναι αρχηγός του Black Rose, την οργάνωση στην οποία είναι μέλος και ο Talon - lore.) και όχι η Akali. Εμένα πάλι μου κάτι μου λέει ότι θα είναι UP. Επίσης μάλλον δεν έπαιζες πιο παλιά που όλοι οι champ που έβγαιναν έτρωγαν boost στο επόμενο Patch (Lux, Swain, Urgot, Maokai, Trundle etc :P ) Quote
Dask Posted August 18, 2011 Author Posted August 18, 2011 Ο Assassin με το μεγαλύτερο burst είναι η Le Blanc (Η οποία είναι αρχηγός του Black Rose, την οργάνωση στην οποία είναι μέλος και ο Talon - lore.) και όχι η Akali. Εμένα πάλι μου κάτι μου λέει ότι θα είναι UP. Επίσης μάλλον δεν έπαιζες πιο παλιά που όλοι οι champ που έβγαιναν έτρωγαν boost στο επόμενο Patch (Lux, Swain, Urgot, Maokai, Trundle etc :P ) Συγκεκριμενα αρχιζα να παιζω οταν βγηκε ο Swain και λιγο νωριτερα. Ισως να μην θυμαμαι καλα. Οσο για την LeBlanc δεν εχεις αδικο αλλα εμενα η γνωμη μου ειναι αυτη, οτι η Akali ειναι το καλυτερο Assassin. Καταρχας ειναι υβριδιο και ειναι ενα + αυτο. Ενω η LeBlanc εχει μονο Magic Damage και δεν μπορει να σταθει στην μαχη οπως η Akali. Ναι θα μου πεις εχει το escape 2 φορες αλλα αν κανει το Jump 2 φορες για να φυγει δεν θα το κανει στο team fight. Τελος παντων, οπως σου ειπα, ναι η LeBlanc ειναι πολυ καλη σαν Assassin αλλα η αποψη μου ειναι οτι δεν συγκρινεται με την Akali. P.S: Βασικα μπορει να αρχισα να παιζω και πιο παλια απο εσενα απλα τοτε δεν εδινα τοση βαρυτητα και σημασια στους νεους champion και τα nerf ή boost που ετρωγαν μιας και δεν διαβαζα καθολου το forum. Απο περυσι αρχες Σεπτεμβριου παιζω. Quote
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