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awnser for ip ban


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i ain't sure if this belongs to exploits.. sry if i posted wrong.

ok guys ill help u out a little (i mean the GR's that got banned from GvE server b/c not evry 1 deserved the ban), if u ever get banned from a server don't use any ip hiders or any of that bullshit it just changes your ip on the browser ,  but u can use proxifier with socks 4/5 ip's it covers all the internet aplications includiong l2 with the ip u chosed (if u lag its becouse u chose a laggy ip , try another one , and it allways worked for me for evry game)

http://www.proxifier.com/download.htm  heres the download link for the program

and some sites for socks 4,5 ip's if u don't find any good latency (ping) here try searching on google




1.u open proxyfier

2.u go to Proxy Cheaker

3.click Proxy Server buton in Proxy cheaker

3.take an ip from the sites i posted above , put in the port , select the socks (alost of thouse ip's are socks 4) you click ok

4.in the proxy cheaker press start testing if testing failed do step 3. with another ip untill u get testing succeded with a decend latency of below 300 or if u enter the game u will lag

5.a little test go to http://whatsmyip.org/ and cheak the ip if it matches with the 1 u typed in

6.login to game and enjoy


or if u from poland and use neostrada just restart your  inet connection , u have over a mil of ip's that change by evry restart

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well i just did it and when i check on www.ip-adress.com my ip was still tha same ;/ maybe i did something wrong? i forgot to mention that i am using WiFi (borrowing my friends conection)

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i think this is an easyer way for me





Here is a small guide for this video =]


1) Click on start than on run and in the small window that pop outs you will wirte ipconfig/release


2)You will see your conection is limited!But no worries, now right click on My Network Places and click " Properties "


3)Than you have to find your connection, the one that has and yellow triangle. On this connection press properties and than

press Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click properties again.


4)A window will pop out. Check the "Use the following IP adress" and the place you see IP address add 222 222 222 222 ( a random code)

DOESN'T MEAN YOU GOTTA ADD 222 222 222 you can add 111 111 112 its no difference.


5)Than click on OK.A message will pop out "You have entered an adress that is missing its subnet mask. Please add a subnet mask.

Click OK than again press Ok so you can safe the info.


6)now go back to the place you added 222 222 222 222 or 111 111 111.. etc... and click "Obtain an IP adress automatically" and than press OK


7) Have fun you are no longer banned and you're IP is changed



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well dunno what to say,all the other IPs fault to me :S

can you post a video guide??it"ll help a lot :)

mate , all of my videos that i make with camtasia have 1 min - 72 mb in size  i would need atleast 5 min . 5x72 - kinda very long to upload with the jewish polish inet (20mb download / 12 kb upload u get why i mean jewish?),  dunno how to compress it , some 1 told me thought but i don't know much bout the program and i would need a guide for it :/


""all the other IPs fault to me :S "" maybe your firewall is b locking the program or u have some closed ports that the program needs if u using a router . or just bad luck with the socks i mean some of the sources are offline etc...

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