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[L2J] L2 Unofficial - x5 - [Grand Oppening 10/08/2011]

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[glow=red,2,300]L2Unofficial[/glow] is a low rate Lineage 2 free private server. Our main goal is to create a Server with rates close to the official one, but more fun, less frustrating, in a few words BETTER than the official one! We will be glad to have any discussion with L2Unofficial's active playing community -namely, you!


  The Game Server restarts once per day, backed up once a week and it is updated every month from the Official L2J repository, keeping us as close to bug free and updated as possible.

[glow=green,2,300]Custom Features[/glow]:

While we are trying to keep our game as close as possible to the Official L2, we do have some differences.

Some of them are:

Custom NPCs at various locations giving life and meaning to some, otherwise, useless in-game features.

Judgement monsters which are more powerful than their common counterparts, giving better rewards.

Offline shopping where you can have your second account selling, without having to keep a window opened or even your computer switched on.

Rent-a-Dragon option to feel like one of the Kings and Queens!

Boosted Rewards from Quests that make them worthy of playing.

An Xp Toggle Voice Command that helps you to get those items to finish the quest you are after, without having to de-level every couple of seconds.

A Visual only Armor Command that allows you to look like wearing other armor parts, so your character looks unique, while still maintaining the bonus of your original armor.

In-game access to Drop and Spoil lists by using Shift + Attack; so you no longer have to search for each mob in other databases.

PvP Protection System so that players can select whether they want to PvP or not (Depends on lvl).

Premium Accounts for all new players, donators, active voters and anyone who wants to pursue it in-game!

Double Vote Reward System because we believe voting help us grow a lot...

Active In-game Community Board in which you can have a clan forum, discuss ideas and read about every single feature of L2Unofficial without having to swap from the game to your browser!


Server Rates:

  Spoil : 7x

    Drop Rate : 5x

    Quest Drop : 4x

    Adena : 1x

    SP : 5x

    Experience : 5x


Premium Rates:

  Premium Spoil : 10x

    Premium Drop Rate : 6x

    Premium Drop Quest : 5x

    Premium Adena : 2x

    Premium Sp : 6x

    Premium Xp : 6x


Server Specs:

  Uptime : 99.9%

    Internet Connection : 100/100 Mbit

    Memory : HD 2x750GB SATA II

    RAM : 8 GB DDR3

    Processor : Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quadcore


[move][glow=red,2,300]Have Fun Everyone...                            [/glow][/move]



Wrong section, server is not "live" yet.

Sorry m8 i am noob in here and i didn't know the server have to be alive to post it in here...


Imo High Five Hasnt A Good Enough Pack For A Low Rate ..:/

Anyway Good Luck With Your Server I May Try It :)

I know its to early for a High5 low rate server but yet the stuff is working really hard fixing things, and i could say that the pack is pretty functional by now, in the other hand there are some nice customs worthy playing in the server ;)

Give it a try, you don't have anything to lose, except 20MB of space (system) :P


Oh god.. Too many customs or my team and I would join.

-Having donator rates is dumb, people will leave or not join because of that.

-Take off the visual armor command.

-Take off champion monsters "judgement monsters".

-Rent a dragon.. doesn't bother me unless everyone abuses this during sieges.

-1x adena is ridiculous. Make it atleast 3 or 4.


This is only advice, but I am sure many people will agree with me. This seems to be like a hybrid of a low rate and mid rate. Keep it real ;)

-PvP protection made me lol, take it off.



You should add a website so people can take a peek.


Oh god.. Too many customs or my team and I would join.

-Having donator rates is dumb, people will leave or not join because of that.

-Take off the visual armor command.

-Take off champion monsters "judgement monsters".

-Rent a dragon.. doesn't bother me unless everyone abuses this during sieges.

-1x adena is ridiculous. Make it atleast 3 or 4.


This is only advice, but I am sure many people will agree with me. This seems to be like a hybrid of a low rate and mid rate. Keep it real ;)

-PvP protection made me lol, take it off.



You should add a website so people can take a peek.

Click on the yellow letters an the server's name... these are ALL links to the site and some explanations about what is MARKED... read them first and if you understand what it says and you still don't like it, Don't Join... :D

This is a server with CUSTOMS..!! It's like walking into McDonalds and tell them to Stop producing Big-Mac because some people don't like the pickles..!! You don't Do that..!!!

And by the way this is NOT a server that donators rule..!! Premium accounts is something that you can have without donating anything, as long as you Vote daily... So please stop winning about features that the Stuff has study and test long time ago so they can include them in the server...

And so we get to be clear, I don't have anything to gain from this, It's not my server, it's a friend's of mine and I m just doing him a favor to put it up in here.....

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