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For the people who want to come at Greece for vacations


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tell me the exact day we have today, repeat after me:


30 / 7 / 2011


OMG WE ARE AT 2011!!!

like we learned from school after years some works stop exist and instantly start the creation of a new one, i know 50 year old ppl how had changed their work 3-4 times and they dont fckin complain.


what they will do if they receive lower money? hmm maybe start make works with high payments like: work with others to create a building? I cant see one Greek anymore in this kind of works, they make fun of works like those workers from Albania are way more cheap than a Greek one, but you are wrong xD they go with groups so if 1 family have 3 boys and they will go in the same work they will get lower payment than a greek but family incomes will be x2+ more than a Greek family

I told it and before. You are WOMAN! You cannot think what is behind of what you are watching. You think that is easy to lose some1 with family his job and start again. THIS IS THE REAL LIFE, NOT A GAME OR ANIME! WAKE UP!


If you cant discuss in the proper way then please cut the shit about Asians , cause seriously we are not gonna rage because you cry and them say something about Asians  which is well.... idiotic.



Btw fyi Asians ( mostly Koreans and Chinese) breed dogs that they eat . They dont kill stray animals.

When you listen the truth it means that some1 is crying? Go to watch the new episodes of your favorite anime movie.
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Who cares about the animes? They are Japan sh1ts and will remain as they are. We have more serious problems.

Oh please , thats your opinion.And  guess what , most people dont agree with that.

About the taxi drivers. What do you want to do? Not to make their own revulution? Do you want to wait to free their job and not have money to feed their families?

Define revolution. Or not.


Just answer to these questions.

1) Does being revolutionary means beating innocent people ?

2) If the family waits from the taxi driver to support it then the family must have REALLY low needs. I am completely sure that at least 8/10 taxi drivers have a second ( part-time) job. Come on.

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Who cares about the animes? They are Japan sh1ts and will remain as they are. We have more serious problems. About the taxi drivers. What do you want to do? Not to make their own revulution? Do you want to wait to free their job and not have money to feed their families?

Omg are you serious?I wish we were like japanesse ppl.Look I give you only an example only 1:

After the destructive earthquake the roads were fucked up!They fixed all the fucked up roads all arround Japan for about 5 DAYS.Greeks need 5 days to fix one small road...

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so you actually want one more job to be destroyed totally, and more people w/o job


Greeks are getting praised by others countries cause of their history, but they see everyday at the news how much BARBARIANS they are. For example check the posts before of the "greek" citizens, what they want to do to solve their problems? FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. Dont call yourself a GREEK if u think like that. yes you got borned at Greece but next to you was a bunch of shits from the cows

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I told it and before. You are WOMAN! You cannot think what is behind of what you are watching. You think that is easy to lose some1 with family his job and start again. THIS IS THE REAL LIFE, NOT A GAME OR ANIME! WAKE UP!

womeninbusiness.about .com/od/successfulwomenprofiles/Profiles_of_Successful_Business_Women.htm


She already does work. She knows that working isnt easy and relaxing rather than hard and tiring.

When you listen the truth it means that some1 is crying? Go to watch the new episodes of your favorite anime movie.

This is not the truth. This is fabricated greek lies that are used to cover our disgusting nature. We dont care bout others or how our actions affect them.
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Fight the retards that are controlling us.


then stop hitting and fighting tourists and citizens? why NONE went to hit or kill Papandreou? they are afraid of jail? HE WILL BE A HERO GOD DAMN, but... he will not enjoy it cause he will be at jail. Thats why i call Greeks the most selfish ppl on earth

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ye but it's one solution vaxil

Now, even this is gonna be lost.

Fight the retards that are controlling us.


You answered to yourself. Beating up tourists aint solution. And its gonna make EU be angry and mad at the PEOPLE not the goverment.

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2) If the family waits from the taxi driver to support it then the family must have REALLY low needs. I am completely sure that at least 8/10 taxi drivers have a second ( part-time) job. Come on.

What about the other 20%? Will we let the die?


Answer me plz. Are you a woman?

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Goverment wants the tourists, so Europe wants them, in order to make $$ and pay them..

So this is somehow lets say 'destroying' their plans

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then stop hitting and fighting tourists and citizens? why NONE went to hit or kill Papandreou? they are afraid of jail? HE WILL BE A HERO GOD DAMN, but... he will not enjoy it cause he will be at jail. Thats why i call Greeks the most selfish ppl on earth

The politicians don't feel anything with strikes and it is proven.[gr]Einai san afto pou leme sta ellinika: Den udrwnei to afti tous.]/gr]

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What about the other 20%? Will we let the die?


Answer me plz. Are you a woman?

1) The other 20% must stop being lazy and search for a new job instead of gaging about the situation we are in.

2) No. Should i be a woman to recognize then women and men are even  ?

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lets say 'destroying' their plans

Sorry what i can see is that we have to find a solution. Not ruining each other plans in order to say " Gotcha".

The politicians don't feel anything with strikes and it is proven.[gr]Einai san afto pou leme sta ellinika: Den udrwnei to afti tous.]/gr]

Then shouldnt we make them hear us? Power to the people.
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