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Well thats mean you dont have the correct client or your server pack files isn't c4, i had this error too with one corrupted pack i was using IL client and server's pack was c5, same error.

  On 7/25/2011 at 6:59 AM, ExoMark said:

As I watched some of the instructions it goes well, but not me. And I do not know how can I check.

first of all go to your system folder and make a txt file and inside put l2.exe -L2ProtocolVersion and you get number of protocol version,ok now go to config of your loginserver, my path is C:\server [CT3]\L2Server\config\network\GameServer.ini and search for it.


# Numbers of protocol revisions that server allows to connect.
# Delimiter is ;
# WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Changing the protocol revision may result in incompatible communication and many errors in game!</font></b></u>
# Default: 389;392;393
AllowedProtocolRevisions = 389;392;393;396;398

there add your protocol revision and try login now.

  On 7/25/2011 at 10:15 AM, ExoMark said:

Please do not get the beginner like me and always make mistakes C4 could you tell me or pofotit nieako so I do not have any GameServer.ini

check you config of loginserver and search for protocol config!!!!! don't flame topic man

I found it in gameserver/config/l2j-version.properties and there have written some version=1581

or if you would like to recommend some L2J server and Datapack (except l2off it is difficult).


how to insert the component into txt l2.exe and what it is intended to be I do not understand at all that what you wrote and nothing I do not like gameserver.ini. login in the config files I have only two telnet.properties and loginserver.properties


So but you show me the way what server are you goddess of destruction but it is not C4 is the same way

My Datapack: http://avatars.czweb.org/L2J_DataPack.zip

My L2Server: http://avatars.czweb.org/l2j-server-unstable-c4.zip

please check if there something I have what I wrote because I found thanks

PS: sry from spam but I want to have a server C4 100x thx

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