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[Help] Need dev help to develope 2 things (inside)



hello i would like to know if some1 can help me with some scripts in l2j interlude :

1) make buff shop like any other private store what thats means? - when i press on buffer shop list of buffs appear show me player mana and buff cost - also player buffer can choose which buffs to put


2)make an enchant zone - put an npc in center of giran and players can only use enchant if they are stand near this npc

this npc is nothing the area is what important


thanks alot

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Excactly, example below:



This script used 2 voice commands:

.buffshop - players choosing which buffs they want to sell

.buffprice - players submit the price they want for every buff - for example : if they enter 1000 so every buff will cost 1000 adena.

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to get such shops all you need to do is to mod the PrivateStoreListBuy and PrivateStoreListSell, by diferencing when player is in normal mode or selling buffs (like player.isSellingBuffs()) and sending then the regular answer or your custom answer, in this case, a html


PD: The 3009 / 3009 Mp way to show the cur mp is very seedy

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Guys please look at the following code and tell me whats wrong with it


1) making Enchanting possible near a choosen NPC -  [glow=red,2,300]works[/glow]

2) making Enchanting near any other NPC not possible - [glow=red,2,300]works[/glow]

3) making enchanting in an empty area not possible - [glow=red,2,300]doesnt work![/glow]



		Collection<L2Character> knownNPC = activeChar.getKnownList().getKnownCharactersInRadius(80);
	if(knownNPC == null)
		activeChar.sendMessage("You can only enchant items near the Brazier of Luck!");
		for(L2Character obj : knownNPC)
			if(!(obj instanceof L2NpcInstance))
				activeChar.sendMessage("You can only enchant items near the Brazier of Luck!");
			else if(((L2NpcInstance) obj).getNpcId() != 32027)
				activeChar.sendMessage("You can only enchant items near the Brazier of Luck!");

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boolean thereIsNpc = false;
for(L2Character obj : knownNPC){
			if((obj instanceof L2NpcInstance))
			             if ( ( (L2NpcInstance) obj).getNpcId() == 32027)
                                                         thereIsNpc = true;
if (!thereIsNpc)

smth like that

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Nvm it worked with knownNPC.IsEmpty() check


I wanna do 1 more thing, I want to add all castle registrations NPCs in 1 town, the problem is that when i spawn for example Aden reg manager in giran, then it'll act like its giran castle reg NPC, how can i change that?


thanks for the help

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im not sure that it will work

if im not wrong getKnownCharactersInRadius(80) will return all the characters, not only npc, so lets try this:

you have another player in the known list (its in radius) so

if(!(obj instanceof L2NpcInstance))

thats true and you cant enchant, if there is or there is not the npc_enchanter

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ok i got that problem with enchant zone solved thanks for notifying :)


Can any1 help me with the problem above?

I wanna do 1 more thing, I want to add all castle registrations NPCs in 1 town, the problem is that when i spawn for example Aden reg manager in giran, then it'll act like its giran castle reg NPC, how can i change that?
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if you try to do

(L2NpcInstance) obj).getNpcId() == 32027

and obj is not L2NpcInstance (is L2PcInstance for example) you will have problems so you need to check if its instanceof


about the siege npc



 * If siege is in progress shows the Busy HTML<BR>
 * else Shows the SiegeInfo window
 * @param player
public void showSiegeInfoWindow(L2PcInstance player)
	if (validateCondition(player))
		NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId());
		html.setFile(player.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/siege/" + getNpcId() + "-busy.htm");

there are 1 npc for each castle?

if yes, then make a switch of getNpcId() and go to each Castle().getSiege()...

edit: cant color inside the code, but you will need to change this line:


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Thanks for the reply,

I came up with something like this, but still i dont understand how to make it so they'll see the castle by NPCs and not by region?


			case 35278: 
				getCastle().getSiege().listRegisterClan(player); // aden
			case 35367:
				getCastle().getSiege().listRegisterClan(player); // goddard
			case 35188:
				getCastle().getSiege().listRegisterClan(player); // giran

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			case 35278: 
				CastleManager.getInstance().getCastle("aden").getSiege().listRegisterClan(player); // aden
			case 35367:

try with this

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nvm, it works now :) i think i forgot to add Break in the previous time thats what caused the problem, thanks for your help :)


I want to do another thing now :P i want to make a fortrees event, basically fortreeses are already working (im using IL pack) but my question is how to add for example a reward, that will be added every xx hours to the owning clan CWH?


thanks again for the help



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