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[Help]Gia empirous!



pos mporo na kanw ena shop na dini kati p.x ena Epic Bow kai na tou lew xriazese

ena Draconic Bow - Focus h

ena Draconic Bow - Cheap Shot h

ena Draconic Bow - Critical Slow

se xml pisteuo.

oxi omos kai ta 3 ena apo auta ta 3

opios mpori as help plz.

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kita den eiami pio ebiros apo esas ala nomizo afto 8eli xd


<item id="1">

<ingredient id="Focus" count="1"/>

<production id="epic bow" count="1"/>



<item id="2">

<ingredient id="Cheap Shot" count="1"/>

<production id="epic bow" count="1"/>



<item id="3">

<ingredient id="Critical Slow" count="1"/>

<production id="epic bow" count="1"/>



to multisell kai sto html vale afto


"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_exc_multisell ID"

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Αυτο που θελεις δεν γινεται ή θα βαλεις 3 epic και το καθενα θα εχει <ingredient id="Διαφορετικο Οπλο στο καθενα.." count="1"/> ή θα βαλεις  1 επικ..

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Αυτο που θελεις δεν γινεται ή θα βαλεις 3 epic και το καθενα θα εχει <ingredient id="Διαφορετικο Οπλο στο καθενα.." count="1"/> ή θα βαλεις  1 επικ..

kane  ena test re afto pou edosa egw kai 8a dis mia xara doulevi
  • 0

Ρε αυτος θελει πχ οταν πας να παρεις το επικ  να θελει για να το παρεις ή το 1 οπλο ή το αλλο ή το αλλο και αυτο δεν γινεται απο οσο ξερω.. Οποτε ή θα βαλει 3 επικ με 3 διαφορετικες επιλογες οπλων ή θα βαλει 1 και θα βαλει ενα συγκεκριμενο οπλο..

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oxi mages katalaba ti enoi o Kяaσh kai

thx Kяaσh :D


*episis einai kai auto pou leei ovl4d ty kai esena


**thx se olous mages :D


***twra bebea exw kai ena allo problima pios xeri na kanei kala to L2Updater xerete ekeino to parathiro pou sou leei "Full Check" kai meta "Play" san Offcial

  • 0

aa mages kati akoma an thelo p.x einai to bow +5 kai thelo to epic pou tha bgi na einai +5 afou tha dosi ena +5 na pari ena +5.

(Alla auto einai gia to Unseal Shop exw ena shop pou dini ta weapon xoris S.A kai ena allo shop pou mporis na ta kaneis S.A ee thelo otan to kanis S.A na meni to ++)

  • 0

aa mages kati akoma an thelo p.x einai to bow +5 kai thelo to epic pou tha bgi na einai +5 afou tha dosi ena +5 na pari ena +5.

(Alla auto einai gia to Unseal Shop exw ena shop pou dini ta weapon xoris S.A kai ena allo shop pou mporis na ta kaneis S.A ee thelo otan to kanis S.A na meni to ++)


Tha xriasteis afto to mod sta multisell sou, episeis tha xriastei na to kaneis edit gia na to xrisimopoieiseis :) ....

Afto gia arxh tha valei na dineis/perneis enchanted items, px na agorazeis ena +16 oplo kai na xriazete ena +15 kai merika xrimata....

2 liseis gia to provlhma sou

1: Ftiaxneis ~25 items sta multisell pou tha dineis +1 focus tha perneis +1 upgraded item, +2 focus tha perneis +2 upgraded item kai paei legontas

2: Kaneis edit na checkarei apo mono tou to enchant tou item poy tha pouliseis kai na pernei to antistixo... Alla mhn ksexnas pws ean o allos exei 2 items to ena +15 kai to allo +0 mporei na parei to +0 to multisell anti gia to +15.... Ti na pw :) ... Thelei douleia... Vevea mporeis na to kaneis na epilegei to weapon me to megalhtero enchant.... Good Luck :) ...



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hmmm malista tote mipos yparxi kati etsi oste mono otan exei ta katalila item tote na tou emfanizi to item kai mono to item pou mpori na pari?

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Ρε φίλε γιατί δε τα πουλάς ένα ένα?


<item id="1">
      <ingredient id="Draconic Bow - Focus" count="1"/>
      <production id="Epic Bow ID" count="1"/>

<item id="2">
      <ingredient id="Draconic Bow - Haste" count="1"/>
      <production id="Epic Bow ID" count="1"/>

<item id="3">
      <ingredient id="Draconic Bow - Cheap Shot" count="1"/>
      <production id="Epic Bow ID" count="1"/>


ή το μόνο που μου έρχεται και δεν ξέρω τι θα σου εμφανίσει στο Shop  ή τι θα σου πουλάει είναι αυτό:



<item id="1">
      <ingredient id="Draconic Bow - Focus" count="1"/>
      <production id="Epic Bow ID" count="1"/>
      <ingredient id="Draconic Bow - Haste" count="1"/>
      <production id="Epic Bow ID" count="1"/>
      <ingredient id="Draconic Bow - Cheap Shot" count="1"/>
      <production id="Epic Bow ID" count="1"/>


Edit: Μόλις είδα ότι λύθηκε!

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File mou diavase ayto edw.


Multisells contain information about "special" shops that require any kind of item to be
given in exchange for purchasing another item.
Items given by the player are referred to as "ingredients".
Items rewarded by the NPC are referred to as "products"
Each entry in a multisell can have many ingredients and many products.

All multisell files have a NUMERIC filename which corresponds to the ID of the multisell, followed by .xml
Multisell lists can be shown by linking them from an html using: 
<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_exc_multisell 123456">
<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell 123456">
where 123456 is the id of the multisell (this would show the contents of file "123456.xml")
The difference between these two links is as follows:
npc_%objectId%_multisell displays a FULL multisell.  That is, all of the entries of the xml are shown exactly 
as defined.
npc_%objectId%_exc_multisell displays an "inventory only" multisell.  That is, it looks through the player's 
inventory for weapons and armors (not equipped) and it only shows multisell entries that have these weapons
and armors as ingredients!

Each multisell file defines a "list"
A list can have the following attributes:
1) applyTaxes
optional; default value is "false"
if set to true, then all adena amounts in the multisell are taxed (and the tax dollars go to the
owning castle).  Also, 5/6 of ancient adena amounts are taxed in adena.  For example, a taxable 
list with 10% tax, containing an entry that requires 3600 ancient adena will actually require
3600 ancient adena AND 300 adena!  That is:  (10%)*(5/6)*(3600)
2) maintainEnchantment
optional; default value is "false"
if set to true and the list is shown in FULL mode, it is ignored (works as "false")
if set to true and the list is shown in "Inventory only" mode, then any weapons and armors defined
as products will have the same enchantment level as the weapons and armor that the player gave as 
ingredients.  For example, in an SA addition multisell, if the player gives a Crystal Staff +3, 
the player will receive a Crystal Staff with Body Bless +3

<list></list>                            : start and end the list
<item id="1"></item>                     : start and end a single entry within the list
<production id="itemID" count="amount"/> : add a product for the entry
<ingredient id="ItemID" count="amount"/> : add an ingredient for the entry.

<list applyTaxes="true">
<item id="1">
	<production id="2" count="1">
	<production id="3" count="1">
	<ingredient id="10" count="1">
	<ingredient id="57" count="200">
<item id="2">
	<production id="123" count="1">
	<ingredient id="57" count="2030">

  • 0

File DeVBlaze 3erw ti  les  gi ayto sou lew diavase ayto  file mou..

uparxoun duo multisell ena  pou to exoun ta gm_Shop kai genika kai allo pou  theleis..

  • 0

File mou diavase ayto edw.


Multisells contain information about "special" shops that require any kind of item to be
given in exchange for purchasing another item.
Items given by the player are referred to as "ingredients".
Items rewarded by the NPC are referred to as "products"
Each entry in a multisell can have many ingredients and many products.

All multisell files have a NUMERIC filename which corresponds to the ID of the multisell, followed by .xml
Multisell lists can be shown by linking them from an html using: 
<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_exc_multisell 123456">
<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell 123456">
where 123456 is the id of the multisell (this would show the contents of file "123456.xml")
The difference between these two links is as follows:
npc_%objectId%_multisell displays a FULL multisell.  That is, all of the entries of the xml are shown exactly 
as defined.
npc_%objectId%_exc_multisell displays an "inventory only" multisell.  That is, it looks through the player's 
inventory for weapons and armors (not equipped) and it only shows multisell entries that have these weapons
and armors as ingredients!

Each multisell file defines a "list"
A list can have the following attributes:
1) applyTaxes
optional; default value is "false"
if set to true, then all adena amounts in the multisell are taxed (and the tax dollars go to the
owning castle).  Also, 5/6 of ancient adena amounts are taxed in adena.  For example, a taxable 
list with 10% tax, containing an entry that requires 3600 ancient adena will actually require
3600 ancient adena AND 300 adena!  That is:  (10%)*(5/6)*(3600)
2) maintainEnchantment
optional; default value is "false"
if set to true and the list is shown in FULL mode, it is ignored (works as "false")
if set to true and the list is shown in "Inventory only" mode, then any weapons and armors defined
as products will have the same enchantment level as the weapons and armor that the player gave as 
ingredients.  For example, in an SA addition multisell, if the player gives a Crystal Staff +3, 
the player will receive a Crystal Staff with Body Bless +3

<list></list>                            : start and end the list
<item id="1"></item>                     : start and end a single entry within the list
<production id="itemID" count="amount"/> : add a product for the entry
<ingredient id="ItemID" count="amount"/> : add an ingredient for the entry.

<list applyTaxes="true">
<item id="1">
	<production id="2" count="1">
	<production id="3" count="1">
	<ingredient id="10" count="1">
	<ingredient id="57" count="200">
<item id="2">
	<production id="123" count="1">
	<ingredient id="57" count="2030">


O Flash mas edwse afto pou thelame.... :)

Devblaze checkare to "maintainEnchantment=true" sto keimeno p s edwse ...

  • 0

aa ok ty Flash™ :D



*auto me ta taxes pou tha to balo sto list kai auto ?

1) applyTaxes

optional; default value is "false"

if set to true, then all adena amounts in the multisell are taxed (and the tax dollars go to the

owning castle).  Also, 5/6 of ancient adena amounts are taxed in adena.  For example, a taxable

list with 10% tax, containing an entry that requires 3600 ancient adena will actually require

3600 ancient adena AND 300 adena!  That is:  (10%)*(5/6)*(3600)


**aa kai episis p.x otan mia clan exei to giran castle ta npc pou einai stin giran na exoun to sima tis clan autis

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