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[GUIDE] How To Vote Twice For Your Favorite Server!


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i remember that 1 time in hopzone i was playing a server that was on top 10 whit 3000 votes and from 1 day to the other 500 votes dissapear O.o (wierd?) (or just the admin of hopzone help his friend server?)

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That should be working, it's a proxy. I think that if someone has already voted by the same proxy then the next one who gonna try won't get his vote counted.

Anyway there are many proxies around especially here http://proxy.org/  .

If this really work then u can try votes by proxies (as we said the next one who gonna try it the same day @ the same proxy won't get his vote counted.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mpx, be care, because admins of tops can see how much ppls online and if for ex there is 1000 registered mans and 5000 votes...will be banned.


I Dont Think That This Exists..

I Dont Think That Voting Twice It's a SCAM


I Think It's A Trick...


Anyway, Thanks For Your Replies.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

That's why having a dynamic IP rullez . . If I ever decide to make a L2 Server I'm gonna ask some friends of mine (I know about 10, 12) to vote and change ip after voting and vote again and again. Do you imagine how many votes can that mean ?

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