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[Low Rate] [Retail-Like] Looking for server

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Looking for a L2 server with the following criterias:

Required criterias :

- Low rate
- Retail like
- Admin has to be an experienced developer.
- Stable server, located in europe.
- Staff team taking their job serious and doing it professional.
- Admin should be intended/willing to keep the server/project long live.
- No game-play altering donations. (Fancy hats etc. are welcome)


Optional criterias :

- Dual-box restriction, anti-dualbox protection.
- Anti-bot protection, game-security software.
- Mature, available staff team.
- New server, or a server, that has still a high amount of new players.
- Server Core: High Five


Do NOT suggest me a server that doesn't qualify the "Required Criterias".

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Looking for a L2 server with the following criterias:

Required criterias :

- Low rate
- Retail like
- Admin has to be an experienced developer.
- Stable server, located in europe.
- Staff team taking their job serious and doing it professional.
- Admin should be intended/willing to keep the server/project long live.
- No game-play altering donations. (Fancy hats etc. are welcome)


Optional criterias :

- Dual-box restriction, anti-dualbox protection.
- Anti-bot protection, game-security software.
- Mature, available staff team.
- New server, or a server, that has still a high amount of new players.
- Server Core: High Five


Do NOT suggest me a server that doesn't qualify the "Required Criterias".


I don't find any good H5 p. server, but thats a "Optional criterias" anyways. I suggest you a GF server with off PTS files with all PTS bugs fixed, it's a new server from dexternet named Nexus, it has x7 rates, retail like low rate, opened on July 1st (so it's very new) and it has about 3-4k ppl online. For more info visit their site www.lineage.ro or their forum http://forum.lineage.ro/ .

Hope I helped, gl & hf.

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I don't find any good H5 p. server, but thats a "Optional criterias" anyways. I suggest you a GF server with off PTS files with all PTS bugs fixed, it's a new server from dexternet named Nexus, it has x7 rates, retail like low rate, opened on July 1st (so it's very new) and it has about 3-4k ppl online. For more info visit their site www.lineage.ro or their forum http://forum.lineage.ro/ .

Hope I helped, gl & hf.

Thanks really promising server but I'm a bit afraid due to :

Move Character €25

Offline Shop €6


Since offline shop affects in-game play, all time having a shop sitting in giran can make you pretty much rich.

And moving a pimped character from an old server to the new one is another issue.


So, I'm undecided, any other advices still welcome.

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Can't satisfy all those, but you could try L2Venom www.L2venom.com - Just started a week ago.  Only issue is it is located in Washington D.C., United States.

Seems good too, thanks but my latency to your webserver is 170ms, I did a ip-lookup and it's also in US. So, I expect a similliar result for the game-server. Unfortunately no.

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Thanks really promising server but I'm a bit afraid due to :

Move Character €25

Offline Shop €6


Since offline shop affects in-game play, all time having a shop sitting in giran can make you pretty much rich.

And moving a pimped character from an old server to the new one is another issue.


So, I'm undecided, any other advices still welcome.


Don't worry, you can dualbox, so you can allways have shop on, but it's true that offline shop is payable, but on the other hand, it is only costum feature.

About "move character", if you would look into it you would see it means only transfer char to another acc on same server, only from Arion to Dex or Wrath is possible "server transfer" which means you move youre char to another server, you can not do that on NExus since Nexus is GF and NEW server, others are Freya and not fresh.

So I hope I explained that you CAN NOT move pimped or any char for that metter to Nexus.

P.S.: About ofline shop making you rich, it doesn't work that way to be exact, some dwarfs have 1 adena shops, others realy lower prices then most, so if you just have a low lvl dwarf there sitting all day you will need to wait at least 1 month to get some money, but even after that it depends on how much money you allready got.

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Thanks for the enlightment, gotcha except I disagree with offline-shops, hence obviously offline shops can make you rich, even at the beginning, I wanna keep the success story secret, although anybody who's not lazy to think about it and go further can easily work it out, therefore no need to argue about it.


- insomnia server has a silly donation regarding to exp/sp bonus, but also expensive, ofcourse not many people going to buy it. (Con)

- insomnia server is based in US. (Con)

- insomnia server has dualbox restriction. (Pro)

- - -

- Nexus got also a silly donation, offline shop, and it's damn cheap. (Con)

- Nexus has multiple boxing allowed. (Con)

- Nexus is europe based(I guess). (Pro)


Thereby, Im still waiting for suggestions. (If there are any left)


By the way, I don't know exactly how it works but, insomnia is doing some exceptions I guess regarding to the network configurations which allows players from europe to connect them without high latency. Something regarding to trace-routes but I don't know under which conditions it works, and how. (See: http://www.l2insomnia.com/showthread.php?576-Request-for-Serious-Ping-Delay-Trace-Routes )

What Im wondering about is that, do I need to have static IP in order to make it work. And what happens when I change my geographic location (when I travel to another city, using the same ISP but a separate service, different port etc.)


And just curious, where is nexus server located (hosted) at ?

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Donno exactly where Nexus is hosted, but go on forum, ask and search and youll find out. About offline shop, there aren't many at all, go check ingame Giran and youll see you would expect much more, so ppl with offline shops are not many, and that way not many are rich with it, btw gm announced once or twice that richest person on server is not crafter anyways so it realy isn't that big of a deal.

Its allowed only dual boxing, not multy, but to be honest with you I don't like that as well, but fact is that most of ppl prefer dualboxing, atm I dont have time to play with a CP, so only way for faster exp is cuz I dualbox, allthough I dont like it, I do it since for ppl like me its usefull, anyways, ppl are looking for live support anyways much more then boxes =). BTW dexternet has no other donations that would inbalance game exept offline shops for you, not to talk about being a big and old network, which tells you that server wont went offline if gms wont get money out of it.


So anyways, the main difference is the chronicle, Insomnia=C5 (off but far from perfect), dexternet Nexus=GF (off PTS files with most PTS bugs fixed, near perfect files) plus Nexus has more ppl if it counts for you.


At the end choose where you would feel better or where youre friends would want to go, its all about fun anyways =).

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Atm dexternet is a far better option than insomnia because they are U.S. located.

But still no enough reasons to re-roll in dexnet, most of friends quit the game or sticking with their existing toons.

L2 is based on team play, I have no guts to start from scratch all the way alone. There is no point of doing it.

Therefore Im still on hold, and in the mean time any suggestions matching the "required criterias" welcome.

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Well I don't want to push you or anything, but you can allways join a CP or a clan, just check recrutment section on Nexus forum, youll have more then plenty of clans/CPs you can join =).

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It's okay, you aren't pushing. There aren't many options, so most likely, if I happen to start from the scratch, the place it's going to happen will be nexus.

Btw, I have take a look at the clan/cp boards, and what can I say, it's funny. Looks like bunch of random people, screwing around (:


I will ask one friend of me, who isn't playing atm in any server, so, that if he might start with me; least it wouldn't be boring till we reach 50 lvl,

so that finally we can look around for an english speaking cp.

Are you also a player there ?

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I will start playing there in next 2-3 days or maybe even tommorow (depends on my rl situation), if youre looking for an extra buddy, you can pm me with a nick. Just for info, I'l play a WC probably =). What are you planning to play?

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Im thinking about a tank class. Probably shillien knight, since I used paladin before and temple knight has nothing much unique, except the ability to summon many cubics; while even only the hex of sk is a big gift :)

I was thinking about either tk or sk but looks like it will be sk.

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