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[Request]Visual items



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It's shared put ur ass down and search it.

It was removed.

Ask 'Leluche' to give it to you, or find it from another source.There is no link at mxc

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import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.QuestManager;

//anchor code

public L2ItemInstance getPaperdollItemByL2ItemId(int slot)
	int index = getPaperdollIndex(slot);
	if (index == -1)
		return null;
	return _paperdoll[index];

//introducing custom code

public static int getHiddenArmorAndWeapopnId(L2ItemInstance[] dolls, int slot, long setid)
		int set = (int)setid;
          L2ArmorSet armorSet = ArmorSetsTable.getInstance().getSet(set);
                  case Inventory.PAPERDOLL_GLOVES:
                          if(armorSet != null)
                                  return armorSet.get_gloves();
                  case Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST:
                          if(armorSet != null)
                                  return armorSet.get_chest();
                  case Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LEGS:
                          if(armorSet != null)
                                  return armorSet.get_legs();
                  case Inventory.PAPERDOLL_FEET:
                          if(armorSet != null)
                                  return armorSet.get_feet();

          L2ItemInstance item = dolls[slot];

          if (item != null)
                  return item.getItemId();
          return 0;
public synchronized int getPaperdollItemId(int slot) //modified here
	L2ItemInstance item = _paperdoll[slot];
	if(getOwner().getActingPlayer() != null)
		if(getOwner().getActingPlayer().getPvpKills() >= 500)
			Quest q = QuestManager.getInstance().getQuest("PriestOfBlessing");
			String value = q.loadGlobalQuestVar(getOwner().getActingPlayer().getName()+"_set");
			long _set = value == "" ? 0 : Long.parseLong(value);
   					return Inventory.getHiddenArmorAndWeapopnId(_paperdoll, slot,_set);
	if (item != null)
		return item.getItemId();
	return 0;





         * @return the _chest
        public int get_chest()
                return _chest;

         * @return the _legs
        public int get_legs()
                return _legs;

         * @return the _head
        public int get_head()
                return _head;

         * @return the _gloves
        public int get_gloves()
                return _gloves;

         * @return the _feet
        public int get_feet()
                return _feet;

A part of the code is taken from another user's post ( anti feed at olympiad , forgot the user's name).The code just takes a quest variable that the player has selected at a npc and uses this to put the armor that corresponds with that code.

I have also encountered a problem...after 50+ players it starts to make big lags... if anyone could help me to improve the code... I'm newbie in java this is my first program...

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