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You got any LVL area,with mobs or we must go to retail like zones?

Btw i really hope your main point of your server is the PVP not Farm or XP!


Until lvl 65 , 70 you should lvl up in normal areas ,  there are boosted zone (mithil mines , the experience of mobs its boosted) also party 2x (you can find party fastly with our comand /partymatching ,  level up is not a problem , better worry for enchant because who will have +8 its a lucky guy .




Thank you for suggestion , maybe that will be applied , anyway lifestone its not so easy to get .


+1 life stones must be hard to get and also low chance




+1 life stones must be hard to get and also low chance




You can get lifestone in PI (drop rate will be medium , 1 ls)

Rate to get red augment : 5 % or 7 % its not sure.


PI will be party farming? 1 ls per mob solo?

No, ls drop only at tyrex ( low chance to drop , only 1 , respawn time : medium)


Great! Any new for the website/serv?


The domain was purchased.


Soon i will announce when is the opening.




The domain was purchased.


Soon i will announce when is the opening.



Announce the grand opening today mate,i'm really horny to play your server..everythin' looks interesting and cool :D Dont  let us wait anymore :D


Also about the LS rate make it 5%,best of (=


u should also change the olympiad cycle to 1/2 weeks..we'll have more fun .


P.S heroic valor/miracle will be optained on subclasses too or only on main class?


Olympiad cycle was changed to 2 weeks.


Only main class for better balance.



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